Last year I was hired with the goal of becoming manager of my company's first on-site, clinical pharmacy in the state. It was to be located in a prominent hospital with the goal of bridging inpatient to outpatient medicine. Brilliant idea. I was excited.
That was a year ago. Since then the project has been postponed and put on hold numerous times. And just when it seemed like the project was rolling, and I had submitted an application, my district supervisor called me. The hospital canceled the lease for the pharmacy. They decided they didn't like the 5 year renewal options and canceled. The lease is now in arbitration, but it looks like it's going to be a good long while.
While I waited for this job, I had been "floating" from one pharmacy to the next, covering other peoples' vacations. It's been ok, but the driving was getting to me. I had to drive over an hour to Hammond FOUR TIMES last week! My supervisor knew this was wearing on me and he's suggesting that until the clinic situation clears up I be promoted to a staff position in a nearby retail store.
I have mixed feelings about this.
Pros:- The store is close to my house - a little far to walk; easily bike-able
- It's on an "every third weekend" schedule so I'm not doing every other weekend
- The shifts are arranged starting at 7 am so on early days I get off at 3!
- There are three shifts - early, middle, late - so basically I only have to work a late night every third day.
- Finally a set schedule, no more driving all over the world, no more schedule changing at the last minute. I can make plans!
- The clinic might still happen, plus my supervisor has another opportunity in the works he thinks would fit me.
- This gesture illustrates that my supervisor is looking out for me and thinks highly of me, which bodes well for future opportunities.
Cons:- The store is in the
ghetto and I might get shot for drugs.
- It's a busy store and I've noticed that the employees don't...shall we say...have a sense of urgency? I do. We might clash.
- The manager is a slob. S-L-O-B. I foresee myself cleaning up after him constantly.
So basically I don't know what to think. I guess I think...I'm glad I'll be near the house and have a set schedule and most of all I'm glad I have a job!!!
You know what's strangest about this whole thing? Exactly a year ago I got my bad job news while my husband was away on a silent prayer retreat (couldn't call him, couldn't cry to him). His retreat is scheduled for this weekend, and I have had a heavy premonition that I would hear job news this week. I was POSITIVE I would hear something this week: so much so that I said a prayer that it would be before hubby left for the retreat!