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Friday, March 30, 2012

Foody Friday: First crayfish of the season

Yes, I know. I'm supposed to call them Crawfish. I refuse.


  1. I haven't had any so far in 2012. I must correct this SOON. and yes, they are "crawfish" lol :)

  2. Those are crawdads. And I love them. Man it's been a while!

  3. I've never tried them (here in Seattle we have a variety of other seafood, but no crawfish). Yum. Smelt. :-) That said, love the beer next to the plates. A girl after my own heart!

  4. I'm drooling in anticipation... I get to go to NOLA and have some in-person next month! In the meantime, I think I need to find some good ones here in Pensacola!
