
Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

A little late!

We kicked off Thanksgiving with unequivocally THE WORST race I've ever run: our annual Turkey Trot, in which my hamstring spazzed out immediately and I had to stop and walk in a five mile race. Finished with a nice 36 minute race - you know, slower than I sometimes run five miles for fun.

My hamstring is just a problem racing, pretty much - not that it's perfectly pain free all the time, but it's manageable. It's doing really well when I stretch it a lot (and run at a slower pace!).

We spent Thanksgiving weekend putting up our tree. While I often do decoration themes, this year we're repeating our travel tree, mostly because I brought home several Chinese-language newspapers to use for wrapping paper. Most of the ornaments are ones we picked up on our various trips, and this year we added this cute dragon from China:

And this Chicago flag:

Saturday evening, friends came over to decorate gingerbread houses. I normally make the gingerbread myself, but this year I bought kits - and while it was easier, it was a little boring. I also discovered that the frosting that came with the kit never hardened, so I had to make some royal icing instead. My friend's little girl has been participating in this tradition for four years now!

I also learned a lesson this weekend: don't run down stairs in socks. I fell down our entire flight of stairs, landing stunned. I was alone in the house, and a few minutes later, our landlords rang the bell to check on me! They heard me fall, and then - silence. Once I cleared my head I realized that I had a nasty egg on my elbow, but little else. However, Sunday morning I awoke feeling stiff all over, like I'd been beaten up. It's mildly better now, but man, this elbow is tender.

I expect to be swamped this week, since it's the week after a holiday and doctor's offices were closed for several days, plus one of my techs has jury duty. Not at all my favorite combination: busy plus short-handed. But we'll survive. Anyone else dreading the return to work?


  1. Happy Holidays to you and your fam! Hamstrings are soooo touchy and really tough to stretch properly ... it's something I struggle with too

  2. Glad nothing was broken in the fall, but what good neighbors/landlords!

  3. Oh, wow! Glad you were ok. Stair falls are scary. Another no-no is walking down wet metal outdoor stairs in flip-flops. Ask me how I know. :-/

    Your tree looks beautiful. Our theme is the same as always, ornaments we've been given over the years with tons of ones the kids made, including one coffee filter angel still going strong 17 years later. <3

  4. OMG-Gracie I'm glad to hear that you are sort of okay. Falling down the stairs is horrifying. My 3 year old took a tumble down our stairs and it was the scariest moment of my life. But, just like you she was only shaken up. I hope your hamstring heals soon.

  5. Yikes! Glad you're ok. REST till everything heals up!!

  6. Ouch, that fall sounds awful! Hope that bump has healed by now and that your hamstring is better by now, too!

    That was a really cool idea to bring back Chinese newspapers to use for wrapping paper! Your tree looks beautiful! I just got back from Spain last night so we are putting our tree up tonight!
