
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Hamstring and health update

My hamstring:
  • Still tight and painful
  • I've run - slowly - a little on it (3 and 4 miles).
  • I've been gently stretching and doing a little ice with alternating hot water bottle
  • I can't do a deadlift yet
  • My next race is on Thanksgiving (5 miles). Oh, joy. That should go well.
My health:
I decided to go and get sick Friday. So after spending all Saturday throwing up (like, all day, and it's not something I ate because David and I ate the same thing. Just routine germs), I'll be off running a few days this week, anyway. I'm going for the run less, run slower thing. I'm marginally better today, but I was so weak and sick yesterday that the two things I want to think about the least are running and big meals. Thanksgiving sounds like a terrible idea right now.

And now I am off to enjoy a hearty breakfast of Gatorade and one cracker.


  1. Oh no! This all sounds terrible. Hope you & your hamstring are both feeling better soon!

  2. Ugh, I hope that you feel better soon. The stomach flu is just awful as it totally levels a person. I hope you feel better in time for Thanksgiving!

  3. oh no ! I hope you are feeling better. In a way, it's kind-of good timing though....being injured and sick all at one time.
