
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why I stopped going to the chiropractor

Back in January I was seeing a chiropractor once a week for my hamstring tear. But after several sessions, I stopped going.
Here's why:
I went to a chiropractor specifically for Graston, hoping to speed up healing by clearing out scar tissue on the muscle. And that worked wonderfully. The day after my first session I could finally walk down stairs normally. The effectiveness waned after a few sessions (Graston can't reach the damage deep in the muscle, only the surface, and it didn't help my tendons), but it was worth the money to get things jumpstarted.

The Graston isn't why I stopped, though. I stopped because I started to feel like my primary chiropractor (not his colleague, who was trained in Graston) was sort of scamming me. Clues?

- When I made my appointment I also mentioned Osteitis Pubis. My chiropractor replied that he had successfully treated several patients with the condition. However, when I was actually seeing him, he often mis-named the condition: "Pubis osteitis" or "Osteitis pubicis". He sounded....unsure and uneducated.

- I told my chiropractor that I'd never had pain in my back at all. This is true. Nonetheless he kept focusing on my back, not even implying that back problems could be influencing other parts of my body, but repeatedly trying to get me to confess to secret lower back problems.

- My chiropractor would tell me he was going to treat the osteitis pubis (if he could remember what it was called) but frankly he lacked basic understanding of anatomy. He insisted that the pubic joint needed to be mobile and my problem was lack of mobility in the joint: but in reality the condition is exactly the opposite. But he kept manipulating my already hypermobile joint to increase mobility, which was painful and worsened the condition. Before treatment, I never had discrepancy in the joint (ie, one side higher than the other). But after treatment, the joint would shift upward on one side. Ouch!

- I would often go in to an appointment and be told, "Today you will have x done", but then x would get pushed back the next appointment. Or I would show up for Graston, and the Graston-certified chiropractor would not even be at work that day. And so I had to keep returning...and wasting appointments getting almost nothing done.

Basically, I felt like my chiropractor didn't really know what he was doing. He was treating a condition he was not familiar with, and probably caused a little damage with the constant joint-cracking in a joint that was already inflamed. Plus I was getting tricked into multiple extra appointments, Pricey. So I said 'bye to the chiro!
Thoughts on chiropractors? Visit experiences? Did I just get a bad one?


  1. Yeeesss! I went to see a chiro about runners knee. He swore blind that it was caused by something in my feet, which he adjusted. It did nothing at all, after several sessions. Turns out it was what is the normal cause of runners knees; weak inner quad muscles. After seeing a physio for about 3 sessions, it began healing up. The first and last time I trust chiros. I get the feeling that many of them think that a bone adjustment is the answer to everything from the common cold to cancer.

  2. Yikes? Did you get a referral from anyone before seeing him? I have heard horror stories about Chiro's too so I have always proceeded with caution. I went to one about a year+ ago and felt he didn't know what he was doing either. BUT I started seeing a chiro for my current issues and he definitely has been what has helped me get back to almost being pain free. He is more and ART specialist that does some chiro stuff. But he is not traditional chiro and majority of his patients are athletes. He also came highly recommended fm multiple athletes I know and works for the Browns.

    I also have read some pro runners state they could not live/run without their chiro. So I do think it depends on your issues and who you see... Just like anything. There are good and bad with most professions.

  3. I have got a good one. I think it's about the relationship and trust. More than once we have reached a point where she has said, "I've done all I can, you need to see a specialist." And she knows good people to refer me to.

  4. I think it sounds like you have reasons for stopping or finding another. I have a very good one. He is probably one of the best in the nation IMO. Bee a chiropractor at the Olympics several times, worked on many professional runners and other athletes (Included Lauren Fl. and Kara Goucher). He knows his stuff. and LOVES what he does. He is quick and efficient with his appointments and has a very efficient staff that do the ultrasound, stimulation therapy, taping, laser etc. so that he can bounce back and forth from patient to patient. His chiropractors that work for him all have very impressive resumes and are all athletes themselves...most runners or triathletes. I've seen him for years. With that being said, I know it will be hard to find another sports chiro as good once I move to NC (but lucky for me...his best friend lives in Asheville and he will give me references). Chiropractic care is tricky. You have to follow your gut on this one. You know your body. My Chiro doesn't even do anything to my back. He knows exactly what to do with me at this point...adjusts that one hip/pelvis and then does graston on whatever area he thinks is affecting me the most. NO back or neck or even the other side of my body...he really focuses on what I need at that time. Love trusting him so completely. He's a little cocky and he isn't shy about sharing his accomplishments but hey, he has reason for that. Anyway, I'm all about Chiropractic care! And I think it is essential to find someone specialized with runners! Good for you for being your own best advocate. Find someone else or find what works for you.

  5. I completely understand! I see my chiro for ART but he always does other treatments that I don't even believe in. He uses lasers from time to time and strange machines. I go because I simply want the ART. I think some chiros are kind of scam artists in that way. It sounds like you made the right choice!

    Now, Amanda sounds like she has an EXCELLENT chiro!

  6. I love my Chiro, but he also has a doctorate in PT and is the Chiro to some college sports programs in our area. He is definitely runner specific. He uses a lot of ART therapy and some graston, but no cracking or back stuff. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. I'm terrified to go back to the chiro. I let a student manipulate me who didn't know what she was doing...I have had periodic neck and back spasms since then, and constant neck soreness whenever I run long in the same location that I felt "snap" during my manipulation. I know some people swear by them, but if they are unsure of what they are doing, they can do a lot of damage.

  8. I'm also a runner who lives in New Orleans -- I would definitely suggest seeing Yogi Barra, an active release therapist who practices at Freret Street Yoga. He is awesome at what he does. Very knowledgable and thorough. I've seen him multiple times (after races, before a 1/2 when I was having severe pain & swelling in the tendons surrounding my ankle and he worked through all of it & I ran one of my best 1/2's with no problem ).

  9. I am usually leery of chiros, unless he/she is a runner or athlete and comes with golden recommendations. Perhaps try a different one? Or, stick with a physical therapist? Good luck with whatever you decide!

  10. It's definitely important to have a chiro you can trust. I've gone to 5-6 thru out my life (depending upon where was living) and had good experiences at all of them. One was a little more "hokey" / "witch doctory" but didn't really push anything on me, just had some more "out there" theories.

    Some chiros do just-chiro and some try to be PT's. some fall in the middle. I do personally believe that some things can be healed via chiro care but not everything of course. Bummer about this experience but hopefully you'll find / get a recommendation for a great one should you choose to go back! Maybe Amanda's guy knows a guy in NOLA region? :)

  11. I think that my old chiropractor knew his stuff and was good, but over time it just felt like they were trying to keep me going there. It's almost like they don't want to tell you exactly what is going on for whatever reason. Not a huge fan of chiros because of this, though sometimes I should probably go to one.

  12. So frustrating! I can say I have definitely had mixed experiences with chiros. Since getting healthy some time ago, I haven't had to use one and I'm thankful, but I definitely don't know that I trust them. I've had better experience w/ a great massage therapist and an acupuncturist. The are my go-tos now whenever something is sore.

  13. You got a bad one. They ruin it for all the good ones. My dad is a Chiropractor. I run his office. He isn't one of those creepy money grubbing scammy ones like most of them. He is quite the opposite. He does not over treat. Simply fixes the problem. Unfortunately that doesn't bode well for his pocket book but he is an honest good ole fashioned Chiropractor. Btw...I have about 2 months of your blog to catch up on;)
    Joy Moats

  14. I'm sorry to hear that, Gracie. This experience proves that it takes thorough research on a chiropractor's background. It's not enough to hear from the person the claims that, in reality, could be easily falsified. Certification is proof, and if you are not satisfied enough, you may call BBB for verification. Betsy @

  15. That's unfortunate you had such a terrible time in your treatment. I've been thinking about find a walk-in clinic to ask about some lower back pain I've had. There are plenty of chiropractors in High Point, NC but I really want to find a good one. If anyone has suggestions I would greatly appreciate it!

  16. I have a bad one. After a rear end car wreck, I went to a Chiro (my first time ever) and he damn near killed me. He kept adjusting my back and neck which hurt like hell. 9 months later, 50 visits later, and no results I finally said I quit. Seriously, I came out of his office several times in so much pain and TEARS! Never, ever again will I go back to one. He even tried to tell me my cycles were irregular (which they aren't) and kept telling me I needed to take this pill (that he sold) and I never would. He even went as far to ASK if my hubby was getting me off in bed!!

  17. I have a bad one. After a rear end car wreck, I went to a Chiro (my first time ever) and he damn near killed me. He kept adjusting my back and neck which hurt like hell. 9 months later, 50 visits later, and no results I finally said I quit. Seriously, I came out of his office several times in so much pain and TEARS! Never, ever again will I go back to one. He even tried to tell me my cycles were irregular (which they aren't) and kept telling me I needed to take this pill (that he sold) and I never would. He even went as far to ASK if my hubby was getting me off in bed!!
