
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Getting ready for RnR NOLA #3!

Tomorrow is the third time I'll be running Rock n Roll New Orleans, formerly the Mardi Gras Marathon (back before Competitor Group bought the event, the route alternated each year, and at one time it was run across the Causeway bridge: a 26-mile span over Lake Ponchartrain. Talk about a boring course!).
What I'm wearing: You know the old rule about not wearing anything new on race day? I'm breaking that, because Varsity Sports was kind enough to give me a singlet so I can represent during the race. I run with the Varsity track group on Mondays and sometimes join the Saturday long run. I feel like this might have been a bad move on their part. What if I do poorly? What if I finish badly and everyone is like, "Who is that girl in the Varsity singlet WALKING at mile 24?" Also I'm nervous about the racerback because the shoulder area is actually pretty snug, and racerbacks tend to give me a neck ache. I don't even wear racerback sports bras.
Eh, I'll survive, it's only a few hours.

I love Varsity's slogan. Love. 
I'm also wearing some kind of shorts...whatever is clean...and of course, my lucky blue sports bra. I always choose light blue on race morning.
On my feet? Saucony Kinvaras, of course. I love this shoe.
What my goals are: Even though I've been sick and haven't done any specific running to make myself faster, I still hope to PR. A 3:05ish would be really nice but I have to be honest with myself here and say that I think that pace is too much for me right now. I turned the corner on my sinus infection, but I still feel kind of weak, and I certainly feel out of shape, too.
What my plan is: But since I'm bull-headed, I think I will go out at 3:05 pace for a few miles to see how I  feel. If I feel great, I will hang on to that. If I feel tired and winded, I'll slow down and resign myself to a bad race. It's a risky strategy, not very smart, but there is a slim chance that I will wake up brimming with energy and this could work. After all, the weather is still supposed to be high 50's to high 60's - good running weather.
How I'm fueling: Well, tonight I am walking over to Figaro's for pasta and the world's most amazing salad ever (this is not an exaggeration). Tomorrow, I'm bringing 4 gels. Even though there is gel on the course I would rather be prepared; I might miss it, especially if the course is crowded.
Two with caffeine, two without.
What I'm looking forward to: This year I will know many, many runners in the race. I can't wait to see them. I freakin' love seeing people I know on course.
What I'm kind of dreading: The new course has the last 13 miles on a very boring loop on Marconi and Lakeshore Drive. This is a sunny, windy area and is pretty boring (although it;s nice to run by the lake). If you are spectating, please line up on the lake or on Marconi. We runners will need your support!

Are you running this weekend? Tell me about your race! 


  1. Good luck to you tomorrow! I think your new kit sponsor will be nothing but happy with you and your speedy results! Go get it!

  2. I've enjoyed reading your background on the RnR NOLA marathon. I did not know about the big discount you mentioned---and I ran it in 2010! I must've paid much more! I also enjoyed reading about your race day strategy, and I think it's a good one. You never know---you could surprise yourself with LOTS of energy since you haven't been training as hard. Your body knows what to do in a marathon, so just let it do its thing. I hope you get the 3:05--how amazing! I *may* be ready to train for a 3:10 this fall. A 3:05 seems impossibly fast for me!! Good luck, and I can't wait to read all about it soon.

  3. Very cool about the race shirt! You will make a great representative for them.

    The 3:05 is certainly in your range- hope you get it, Gracie. :) Definitely worth going for.

    Have a fun time seeing friends at the race. That should make for some great race day energy!

  4. I love your racing strategy. You're very inspirational in the sense that while you train very hard, you're also very humble and just hope for the best. I will be thinking of you, and I hope you snag that PR!!

  5. No racing for me but can't wait to hear how you do. Good luck!!!

  6. Have a great race tomorrow!!!

  7. Good luck tomorrow! I think bringing gu is a great idea, not only because of the crowding, but because I also only like a few, okay one of the flavors, so it's a pretty good chance I will get one that I don't like.

    I ran a race today. It went okay. I was sick this week, so did not race on top form unfortunately.

    Have fun! I can't image running the causeway. Ug.
