Nothing going on here, just working my way back to running...
My foot is better, but not "better". It's doing that annoying thing where it doesn't behave completely normally, and I panic and assume it's double-broken.
But it's not. I have been able to run without pain, and of course there is no pain with daily activities, but at night the top of my arch grows discolored! I can't figure out if it's mild swelling and inflammation, or if it's from wearing a shoe all day. My healed bone actually developed a large callous that changed the shape of my foot - my instep is higher now, because of this lump of bone - so shoes rub the area. But either way, it's freaking me out enough to keep my comeback slow. I am terrified to add mileage and end up stranded at mile 8 with a throbbing foot.

I assume that my foot will look more normal soon, but in the meantime I'm feeling my time off in other ways. I have to be careful not to put to much stress on any of my bones, not just the fractured one, since I probably lost some bone density while I was not doing much impact. I actually have been feeling a little iffy in my RIGHT foot, which I have thought since December may have a mild fracture or stress reaction of its own. I hope not, but I'm babying everything anyway.
But since hope springs eternal, I went ahead and registered for the Crescent City Classic 10k in 6 weeks, which isn't even a race I like. As if I can race in 6 weeks! Ah, ever the optimist. It will give me a goal as I comeback!