
Monday, August 17, 2015

Worse shape than I thought

The schedule: A Hal Higdon half-marathon plan, fresh off the printer
The suggested workout: An 90-minute run, with the last quarter at race pace
My modification: A 90 minute run. At 1 hour in, 3x1 mi reps at 6:55 with 1 minute jog between, then cool down. (I know that does not have the same effect as a tempo, but just starting out from zero I would rather gauge how the pace feels and work up to longer distances).
What actually happened: A 90 minute run with a disaster at the end.
I hit 1 hour of easy running, then buckled down for my first mile. It was 6:59, and a lot of work. Oops. I jogged a minute, then hit lap again - and oh my gosh I was so tired. My legs were heavy, sluggish, and slow. I was gasping for breath. So I quit at half a mile. I stopped for water, then did another half mile; it was 6:50. After a minute rest, I repeated that - 7:00! I got the three miles in, but they were broken into short segments - and slower than intended! In other words, I am not even in the "bad shape" I thought I was in - it's worse.
Furthermore, I felt terribly sore after the run. I could barely jog home, and my legs were killing me. I think part of that is the new shoes (Saucony Cortana) I've been wearing. They cause me to work different muscles, and the soft cushiony sole makes me engage auxiliary muscles for stability. They're like those old stupid fit shoes that used to be so popular.
I am sure you are jealous of my outfit.
When I got back, I did yoga, then suited up in full compression. Oh yeah. Super cute.
Verdict from day one of half-marathon training: I have a lot of work to do.


  1. You've got to start from somewhere. And if that's where you're at then that's the best place to start. I hope your legs are recovering quickly.

  2. The work is sometimes the reward, you'll be back, I have no doubt.

  3. Don't be too hard on yourself... It's tough to come back from a phase where training, especially high intensity, was not possible. I know you think that you are 'slow' and out of shape but considering all you've been through, I think you should maybe adjust your expectations? I know that is tough to do given what you've accomplished in the past, though...

    1. You might be right: I certainly don't have the same extension I used to!

  4. A. I don't think you're as far off as you think, most likely. For me, the first couple workouts of a new running cycle always feel like I've never ran before. Your body will get used to it in a few weeks and I think you'll be right back to where you were.

    B. Please, for the sake of all of us, don't ever wear that costume outside of your home.

    1. What are you talking about? I wore it to church. And I AM far off...3 miles at just under 7 should be something I can do straight off the couch. I think it's the extra weight I'm carrying. Gah, I don't want to stop eating good food.

  5. Which marathon are you doing? I think I'm going to do the Big Easy Half but haven't even really thought about serious training. Don't forget that the weather here makes doing hard running like that just plain AWFUL. In fact, the group I run with at track refuse to do anything other than 400s until the weather cools down. I was the odd man out today doing 600s. Lol.

  6. A solid block of tempo is really hard to do straight off no speed work.. It was a good idea to try the one mile + one minute intervals. Except it makes it feel easier than it should and then you (I) end up doing too much or too fast. And you know what happens then...
    just wait a couple of weeks! Hood to coast should give you some good tempo runs :)

  7. I love my compression gear (and my foam roller) to help recovery from tough workouts! I'm not a fan of Saucony - my favorite are my Mizuno.
