
Sunday, August 16, 2015

A sad week.

The last few weeks have been rough ones for us.
Last week my grandfather passed away. He was a brilliant, self-made man who had a PhD from Yale despite a childhood of relative poverty. His mother could neither read nor write English, yet he became a successful engineer for Sikorsky, Amtrak, and later Westinghouse. He was a perfect example of bettering the next generation, and instilled his work ethic and love of learning in all of us.
He was a loving grandfather to the nine of us, his only grandchildren, although he freely announced that I was his favorite. When you are one of nine kids, hearing that you are the favorite can be very special, and I remember fondly when we came for just a short visit, and he took me - just me! - to get ice cream and walk around the harbor. I felt very loved and important!
Sadly, we rarely lived close enough to my grandparents to visit very often, but in the last few years grandpa has kept in touch through emails, and most recently, Facebook, which he joined at age 81!

One thing I remember about grandpa is that he always complimented my sister and I as "both beautiful and smart", and because of that, I figured smart was just as important as beautiful, if not more so. He gave us good guidance when we got that from precious few sources. I will miss his wit and wisdom, and his loving smile.

Sadly, that is not all that we have been facing. At the same time, my grandmother is in the ICU, and in fact was not able to be with her husband when he died. Her condition is not clear, but it is not good; she is a 30+ year lung cancer survivor (who never smoked) with less than 30% lung function. She is no longer a candidate for intensive interventions.

And lastly, David's brother has filed for divorce. His wife has heartlessly had affairs with multiple men over the past year, with little regard for her family of three boys ages 6 and under. It is a very hard time for David's brother, obviously, and we are pretty heartbroken over this development.

So silence over's for a reason. Lots going on.


  1. Aw, I'm sorry to hear all of that. I know how special grandparents are. Hang in there. And your brother's situation as well... Sad.

  2. Aw, that is tough. You guys are going through so much right now... The way you describe your grandpa reminds me of mine. He also said I was one of his favorites (although not his all out favorite but I think there are like 20 grandchildren!). We were blessed to have them in our lives for as many years as we did but it's still tough to lose them. :( I hope that your grandma's health improves soon, too. How sad that she wasn't able to be with her husband when he passed. :(

  3. I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this. Much love to you and David, your grandfather (what a rock star), your grandmother, and David's brother.

    I love reading your blog, but please take as much time as you need.

  4. Oh Gracie… any one of these things would be tough to go through but all three at the same time…. HUGS!!!!

  5. Keeping you and your family in my prayers!

  6. Oh wow you've had to deal with so much sadness lately. Your Grandfather sounds like an amazing man. You've been lucky to have such an influence in your life.

  7. So sorry for the loss of your grandfather, Grace. But even though your family undoubtedly is grieving, try to remember to celebrate the incredible man that he was and the powerful impact he had on all your lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with the rest of your family too, as this kind of stuff always seems to come in bunches. May your grandmother find peace, and physical healing. Take care.

  8. I'm very sorry, Grace! What a very tough time for you. I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer.

  9. So sorry for your loss. Sounds like your Grandfather was a special man. And so sorry to hear about your grandmother's health and your brother-in-law's divorce. Take care of yourself! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  10. Sorry to hear about that. Amazing that you were able to feel so special to him. I know how much that meant to you! Sorry for everything you're going through right now. :(

  11. If bad things come in 3s, nothing but good ahead? I hope that's the case for you. I'm sorry for your loss, and for the separate struggles your grandmother and BIL (and nephews) are going through. Keep your grandfather close in your heart and he'll always stay with you.

  12. I'm so sorry. You and your family is in my prayers.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry to hear about all the other stuff you're dealing with. Sending good thoughts your way.

  14. I'm sorry for your loss and the other struggles going on as well. Your grandfather sounds like a smart (and handsome! ;)) man. Thinking of you and your family!

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather passing. He sounded like an amazing man who was a positive force in your family. I'm also shocked and saddened to hear about your brother in law's divorce. Multiple affairs with young children... Ick..
