
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

First steps

Last week I was allowed to slowly return to running. Last I talked to you about running, I was in so much pain that I was on a total rest  - for two entire weeks. Nothing lower body. Just rest! Then, I did some test miles.
I mean, minutes.
Because I only ran ten minutes the first time! I wanted to go really slowly, so after my first week I can proudly boast of three and a half miles total. But it's worth it to stay healthy.
I wore my Hotter than Hell Marathon shirt! Love it! It fits me so well - long enough, sleeves the right length, etc. 

I got some really, really good advice from elite Camille Herron, who not only personally emailed me (she's the nicest runner basically ever), but also has a detailed blog post about stress fractures here. One thing that stood out to me was that she allows herself complete rest, and doesn't do much cross training while she heals. Why? So her aerobic capacity isn't out of balance with her muscle strength. My pool-running last time I tried to comeback had kept me in shape - and I quickly felt comfortable running 3 miles, then 5 miles, then 10, then 26...BAM, re-injured. My muscles and bones weren't as strong as my lungs and I was hurt again. But this time, after my weeks of complete rest, I couldn't have run more than ten minutes, anyway (I mean, after a short break I'm sure I could have kept going, but at ten minutes I definitely wanted to stop and walk).

How do I feel? Well. Not perfect. Muscles are weak. There's some soft-tissue pain. I have some issues still going on. Osteitis Pubis is flaring like crazy, like every time I return to running. But no bone pain - and I'm doing all I can to prevent a return. More on that later. For now, I'm celebrating my 3-mile week!


  1. Yaaaaaaay! Great job being conservative and taking the time to heal (and agreed; mega cool that Camille emailed you!!)

    Im returning to running this week too... for five minutes. Following this plan: - helps keep me in check so I dont attempt too much too soon :)

  2. a little running is better than no running! And yes Camille is great. Fingers crossed for you Grace!!!

  3. Sounds like a smart approach, Gracie! I bet you relished every second of your 3 miles.. Camille has some great advice. Glad you are running again, lady!

  4. That's awesome Grace! And the out of balance fitness:muscle ratio makes sense logically. Soooo glad you're running again!

  5. As much as it sucks, you are doing the right thing. I'm following a running rehab plan too, I'm almost at the point of running 15 minutes at a time. Hopefully in 6 weeks I'll be back running 6 miles at a time as a slow pace. I do remember that your return to running stories in the past always seem to involve way too much miles and pace.

    1. Were you maybe referring to my 4 mile race, track meet, 2 mile race, another 4 mile race, marathon, another 2 mile race, and another track meet? All within the first 6 weeks back....?

  6. Oh, and the Saints are going to steamroll the 49ers this week, we lost our starting safety Reid and tight end Davis. Get ready for Drew Brees to throw for 300 yards at least.

  7. So glad you got some helpful advice and an encouraging start back at running!

  8. Take your glad you're back at it though!

  9. Hurray! I am glad you are getting back into it! I know it is frustrating, but don't forget to start back slow... Good luck with your comeback!

  10. Hooray!! Very happy you're running again...and got some solid advice to boot.

  11. Ahhh, Camille is ALL KNOWING! Seriously, she is brilliant when it comes to marathoning (all training, actually). She's given me great advice before, too.

    I'm SOOO glad to hear this! I know you were really struggling physically and emotionally not having running in your life. Now, don't go out and run a marathon any time soon, okay????? Be smart, you can do it! Looking forward to great reports like this one in the future.

  12. 3 miles is better than no miles! I agree, taking a break is really really hard... Sounds like you are doing it right this time around!

  13. I agree 3 is better than 0 and happy you are back...coming back from injury is hard....and requires a lot of patience. I know you can do this.

  14. I hope you are back on track and can put all of this behind you. Getting in shape is rough but you will feel great in a month!

  15. Behind on the blogs. Soooo glad to hear you are slowly coming back. It's tough only running 10 minutes, but stick with it! I started with 10 minutes or less in August. And now I just did an 8 miler!!

  16. So glad to hear you're back at it!! I've found this to be true several times when I've had injuries that kept me away from running for multiple weeks -- my cardio fitness will be pretty good, and it gets me in trouble with re-aggravating the injury. This sounds like good advice.
