
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Favorite race pictures

While sneaking back into running (slooowly), I've realized that thinking back over races and runs I enjoyed really cheers me. I remember a miserably cold 20-miler which I ran sick, and feeling SO successful and happy when it was over. I remember killer track workouts (or workout. I don't really kill the track much). And I think back over great races - ones that actually went as planned, or were a PR, or were even so terrible they were good (Like the unbelievable Mississippi Gulf Coast marathon when everything went wrong - too hot, too windy, no watch, ugh. But I won!). And thanks to this blog, when I think of old races, I can look at old race pictures, too.

Everyone has race pictures that they hate. But I think we all have some that we love, too. I'm lucky to have many great memories from races thanks to David: before he got into running and racing himself, he was my faithful photographer!

Going through these is a trip down memory lane...
One of my first races, the Crescent City Classic 10k in full-on cowgirl
My first marathon, feeling like DEATH.
Cowgirl again at the Jazz half - ran a 1:51 I think? I was astonished at my time. I never thought I'd run that fast.
Beautiful Harrisburg, my first BQ
French quarter

Blowing kisses - first marathon to break 3:30
Hot, humid, miserable Mississippi Gulf Coast marathon
AFTER realizing I ran an extra mile in the marathon at Baton Rouge Beach!
Best race photo of all time.
My favorite finish pic!
My second favorite finish pic know... I don't see that tape very often!
A crowd at Publix....
My only "hard core" race picture with no silly grin or funny face! 

Boston. Mostly someone else's picture, but I love that this shows the brutality of the heat that day - and my bum knee.
Stride for stride with this dude at the Crescent City Classic 10k

There it is. My racing life in pictures! Kind of makes me feel like I might be back someday, racing again..
Do you have any race pictures you love? Links please! 


  1. The cowgirl outfit is pretty amazing.

  2. look pretty amazing in the cowgirl getup.

    Fun look through your pictures. I typically hate mine.

  3. I only have pics from 3 races so far but am planning to remedy that in 2014 :) Love all of yours!

  4. The "hardcore" pic ... indeed you look like a bad a**. Ummm, cowgirl?

  5. Jesus you are absolutely ripped in the hardcore pic! And yea Boston looked scorching in that pic

  6. I love them all!!! Fun post! I think I will copycat you!!! :)

  7. The jorts! You ran in jorts?!? Impressive.
