Celeste and I post-race the last time I ran Jazz. We are so awesome. |
I've never followed a training plan for a half-marathon, but I think that needs to change. I have the Jazz half-marathon coming up in mid-October, and it's far enough away from any marathons that it can be a stand-alone race, one that is a goal in itself rather than a step along the path to a marathon.
Pros to having Jazz as a goal race:
- Will hopefully finally break 1:30
- Historically great weather (60's)
- One of my favorite local races
- No other races near it to interfere with dedicated training
- I usually like to run this in costume, which doesn't bode well for a massive PR
- The course has been short twice in its 3-year history
- Race is earlier this year, and could potentially feature weather in the upper 80's
- I will be in less than superb shape, given my low mileage summer featuring the current bout of sheer laziness I am in
I'll need a training plan for Jazz whether I think I can PR or not, so I welcome suggestions for a good half-marathon specific plan.
Things I'd like to see in a training plan:
- Running 5 to 6 days a week
- No mid-week run longer than 10 miles
- Only one really hard day per week. More than that = fast road to overtraining and injury for me
- No key lead-up races, as it will be too hot and there aren't many races before Jazz.
Any suggestions? Don't say Brad Hudson. I was using his plan last year and I don't have enough knowledge to adapt the "adaptive" part! I ended up overtrained, slow, and then injured.