
Friday, January 13, 2012

True Taper

Well, I'm all set and tapered. The Louisiana Marathon is Sunday and I'm ready to go!
This is the very first marathon for which I have actually tapered. I had a forced taper (illness) once, but I generally just run a typical week with a long run no longer than 15 miles. This time, however, my last 20 miler was a full three weeks before the marathon! I decided to give a real taper a try, so I'll recap that later.
Right now, I feel a little off-peak. My legs have felt heavy and my short runs - I'll be going into the marathon with fewer than 30 miles for the week - are leaving me uninspired. I guess I'll know Sunday if taper is for me!
I really hope I don't forget my shoes after my run tomorrow. 
I'm getting packed tonight because we are spending Saturday afternoon in Baton Rouge watching the Saints game with a friend. We decided to go ahead and stay overnight since the race starts at 7:00 am and Baton Rouge is an hour and a half away. I personally would prefer driving the morning of, since I like to sleep in my own bed and drink my own coffee, but David made the decisions this time.
I decided to break out the Saints T-shirt for the race since they'll be playing the day before.

This lovely little gadget is a brand-new arm band for an ipod touch. I bought it expressly to carry Gu in. It holds three, so one will have to go in a pocket or my hand.

I'm also bringing my own coffee pot, coffee, creamer, filters, and a tub of oatmeal. I'm so high-maintenance. 

Why the sudden rash of preparation? I figured that my lazy, last minute attitude I have toward racing makes me take the race too easy. It's all fun, when I should be working for something. I'm hoping that taking the time to carefully prepare will make me take this race more seriously. I'll need it. I'm hoping to PR Sunday!

How well do you prepare for a race? And what is the one thing you would never race without?
I can't say "time" or "ipod" because I've raced without both. I guess I'd say hair accessories. I wear a tight bun with two elastics and hair sticks. If my hair budges I'm miserable!


  1. Best of luck Sunday. I have a feeling you will do well!

  2. Good luck Sunday! I will look for you in your Saints gear! I'm completely anal about my pre-race routines, have been since college! Lately, I've gotten more relaxed but I have everything ready and my plans planned out to a tee. I have a feeling you are going to have a great race Sunday!

  3. My hair needs to be completely up in a tight bun for a race too. Good luck on Sunday!

  4. Good luck tmrw! Having discovered your blog fairly recently I'd say you seem pretty well prepared! Just remember Marathon's are in the mind...and don't go off too fast! All the best.

  5. Coffee is not negotiable on race morning. I can totally understand traveling with a coffee maker!

    As for my must-haves: Toe socks! Hair elastics. A wet-wipe. (I always pack either a wet-wipe or tissue. Nothing sets a bad tone for a race like finding out, after standing in the port-o-potty line for 20 minutes, that they're out of TP!)

    Good luck this weekend!!!

  6. Good luck! I can't wait to hear your recap.

    Also, I bring my own cereal and creamer if I am staying with someone on the days I run! It's not that high maintenance!

  7. I love the use of the ipod holder! I usually HAVE to have my watch, however during Portland 2010 my Garmin would not for the life of it turn on even though it was fully charged. Such a frustrating experience at the start line! I also want my hair to be tight, but it's so straight and slick that often it slides and I end up yanking my ponytail a few times. The other thing I always bring is my own fuel (shot bloks, luna moons or clif shots).
