
Monday, August 29, 2011

My next race...

I just signed up for the Clarence DeMar marathon.
The race is in lovely Keene, NH.

It's September 25th.
So, I kind of have to do a sort of accelerated training. Heehee!
I picked this race because I have a good chance of seeing some pretty fall leaves and let me tell you, that's something this transplanted Yankee misses.
Oh for a cup of cider and a cold fall day! Even such a day which requires 26 miles of running.
So, my plan is to do my long runs on the next few weekends:
16 miles   < Did that this Saturday
18 miles
20 miles
12 miles

The rest of the week I'll keep the same. Right now I'm on a semi-schedule that looks like this:
Monday: Easy 3 - 8  miles
Tuesday: Ten miles at 7:30 to 8:00 pace
Wednesday: Gym - full body weights
Thursday: "Speedwork" for 3-5 miles (I am attempting to do real speedwork but I usually degenerate to pathetic fartleks)
Friday: Easy 3 - 8 miles
Saturday: Long run (used to be 8-14 miles but I'll be ramping that up)
Sunday: My choice of cross train, short fartlek run, or rest day

Has anyone else done a short-notice marathon?
I think I'll be ok since I have a base of 30 - 40 miles a week already, and this is my "throw away" race to kick the season off. I need one race to gauge my fitness and guide me in my goals for other races later in the year.


  1. No haven't done a spontaneous marathon...yet.

    That looks gorgeous and you have a plan!!

  2. I did a marathon (although not spontaneous) with a 12 mile long run and maybe a 15 mile base. Just took my time and enjoyed the sights.

  3. I think you'll be able to handle it w/ that kind of base. May not be a PR, but doesn't sound like that's what you're after. Have fun!

  4. With a base of 30-40 miles, you are pretty much ready for a marathon right now it sounds like.

    That picture looks awesome! I bet you will see some great fall colors.

    I've never done a marathon on short notice, but I think you are ready. Maybe don't focus too much on your time or PRing, but just enjoy the run and the scenery.

  5. I've never run a spontaneous marathon, but last minute races are great and with your pace this should be fine for you. Good luck!

  6. That looks beautiful. I am doing a run back East in October. I was hoping the fall colors would hang on for me.'s hoping we both get some!

    Good luck with your race. I have never done a marathon, but I am so paranoid about it that I want lots of time to train. However, you are more of a long distance (and faster!) runner than I am.

    Have fun!

  7. hah. one-month to marathon, why not. it looks like it'll be a scenic one and hopefully perfect temps!

  8. RE: Parenting tip. Thanks!! I'm a newbie at all of this so I have no idea what is going on. Essentially making it up as I go. :)
