
2018 races

This year started with a stress fracture, so getting back into racing took a while! It actually only yielded two PRs, so not my most productive year.

Al Briede 5k, March, 20:31. Testing out my foot post-fracture!

CCC 10k, April, 41:27. I ran this watchless and used the result/how I felt to decide if I was ready to ease back into true training. Keep in mind that I fractured my foot the first week of December: stress fracture recovery is no joke!

Bursting with Speed 5k, April, 19:50. Slowly working my way back.

Barathon, May, 44:51, 4th female. Six bars, six beers, six miles, and one pulled hamstring.

Greek Fest 5k, May, 19:58. Pulled hamstring. This was Friday night and I had a marathon Sunday morning, and my hamstring still hurt!

Buffalo Marathon, May, 3:15:53? can't find the exact time - I ran this easy to check off a BQ so I could run Boston with all my other teammates.

Armadillo Dash trail 3 miler, June, I apparently didn't record my time? But first female and thus RRCA cross country champion!

Four on the Fourth, July, 26:32, 3rd female. A very lazy effort for the day.

Spillway trail 3 miler, July, 20:37. I took a terrible fall here!

The Power Mile, July, 5:38, PR. My first road mile and a mile PR (prior from on the track).

Oktoberfest 2 miler, October, 12:11, second female. Insanely hot, 100F at the start.

*somewhere in here is the Oyster Run 'n Shuck 5k, which was way short, and which I won, but maybe never recapped? Can't find it*

Jazz half, October, 1:27:04, PR. Somehow PR'd despite forgetting just about everything that day.

Middendorf's Manchac 10k, November, close to 43 minutes I think. Post-foot injury, run with carbon fiber plates in my shoes, absolute misery.

Turkey Day 5 miler, November, 32:29, a dreadful day with a dreadful bacterial stomach infection.

Rocket City Marathon, December, 3:09:16. Wow. Not what I thought I was capable of at all. This was probably the most disappointing race of my life.

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