
2017 Races

A great year of racing with the PowerMiler Track Club. A ton of races and four PRs!

Louisiana Marathon, January, 3:12:07
Second female in 100% humidity

Run the Bayou 10k, January, 41:38
First female two weeks after Louisiana marathon

RnR New Orleans marathon, February, 3:10:14
Sixth female on another humid day; this was three weeks after the last marathon

Al Briede 5k, March, 20:38
Hot and terrible. First race as a Powermiler, so I was disappointed to be getting slower! Second female (everyone was slow that day!)

Bursting with Speed 5k, April, 19:40
Happy to feel faster, but the course was short.

Crescent City Classic 10k, April, 42:15
Really struggling with speed as a new Powermiler: the workouts were just a lot tougher than I was used to. The spring was a time of rebuilding speed for me, and my races showed that.

Gulf Coast Classic 10k, April, 41:53
I tried to redeem myself by running another 10k the very next week. Third female.

Barathon, May, 48 something - 6 bars, 6 beers, 6 miles
Third female and bragging rights!

Greekfest, May, mile 5:57, 5k 19:51
A warmup mile and then a 5k = poor performance in both!

Summer series 2 miler, June, 12:29
First female

Summer series 2 miler, July, 12:56
After a month off for injury

Spillway Classic trail run 3 miler, July, 23:17

Blue Doo 2 miler, October, 12:00.9, PR
Third female and a very special moment for me, as it was my first PR after my hip surgeries and, in fact, my first PR in five and a half years.

Jazz Half marathon, October, 1:29:18, PR
Third female, run watchless thanks to frozen Garmin, FINALLY broke 1:30!

Crescent City Fall Classic, November, 20:00
A shockingly difficult and slow day for me.

Middendorf's Manchac 10 miler, November, 1:07:47, PR
Second female. PMTC swept the women's podium!

Turkey Day 5 miler, November, 32:12, PR
Broke the curse of bad Thanksgiving races with a PR of over a minute

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