
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Mile race: it's August 25th

We finally scheduled our mile time trial! End of August. So you know, likely to be hurricaned-out and also about 98 degrees. But it's good to know when the big day will roll around. August 25th!

Not cool, Saucony. 
Monday: Easy run. 6.5 miles.
Tuesday: Morning: took the baby for a 3-mile jog. I never do doubles, but we had a tiny amount of time and he needed to get out of the house, so we went for it. Evening: 12x400. I didn't have a big group like the last time we did this workout; it was just Ivy and I. Van and Sal started with our group but were about 5-7 seconds behind. Ivy ended up stopping after 8, so I was alone for the last four - really alone. I looked around the empty track and marveled at how quickly all the fast guys finished the workout, until I realized they'd only done 8-10! Given the extreme heat and the lonely workout, I was very pleased with my splits. The workout was "2-mi pace" but I was closer to 1-mile for many of them, but didn't feel like I was straining. Laps were 82, 81, 81, 83, 82, 81, 83, 82, 82, 82, 84, 81. 12.9 miles for the day.
Wednesday: Stroller recover run. 6.65 miles. 
Thursday: Easy run. 7.2 miles.
Friday: Tempo intervals. This is a really easy workout: three 3-minute tempo intervals with 1 minute aerobic float in between. I ran (6:24/7:07), (6:20/6:57), and (6:09/7:51). I ran into David and the baby during that last aerobic minute, hence the slow pace :)  5.77 miles - crazy short workout! 
Saturday: Easy stroller run. It was overcast, so I hit the shadeless levee. I heard a train coming up behind us and got to a good vantage point with the baby in time to get him out of his stroller to wave to the train. They blew the horn for him and he was very interested! I always like seeing (not getting caught by!) the train - I have a soft spot for train graffiti! 8 miles.
Sunday: It POURED on us. We had to modify our route to avoid flooding streets! We ran the bayou loop, which includes a lovely route along Bayou St. John, and finished up with some laps in Audubon Park. The rain was thanks to a tropical storm, and the wind and rain were lashing us for part of it! We survived with a waterlogged 7:47 pace for 14.12 miles. I finally replaced my insoles for this run: the last pair of Kinvaras I bought were unwearable after the insoles scrunched up immediately after I started wearing them. I called Saucony, and they sent me the cheapest, most generic, rock-hard, awful insoles ever. But they were an improvement over 14 miles with wrinkled insoles!

61.2 miles for the week. 


  1. That's kind of bad customer service by Saucony to send you such crappy insoles! Sheesh!

  2. That is some serious mileage for a mile race. It's awesome that you have solidified a date! Something to look forward to.
