
Monday, June 15, 2020

Training log: a Power Mile

Monday: Easy miles with 10 hill sprints. 7.65 miles.
Tuesday: Tempo intervals on the road with the Power Milers mini-group: probably the last week with a small group since we are now allowed to meet in groups of up to 100! The workout was 4x4 minutes at tempo, 45 seconds rest, followed by 4x90 second accelerations. Now, I already did that workout a few weeks ago, and I would have loved to compare, but I did six repeats last time, and we also had MUCH better weather. This week, my paces were 6:23, 6:25, 6:28, and 6:20. The accelerations were all around 5:50 average - those are hard. You start at easy pace, and the last 1/3 should be as fast as mile pace. Getting the timing right is tricky!
So, to compare to the last workout, I was faster last time: 6:19, :25, :17, :27, :15, :20. Not too thrilled to be slowing down, but then again, it was below 70 the last time I did this, and it was 90 degrees and 90% humidity on Tuesday night, so I should also take that into account. 8.25 miles.
Wednesday: No stroller, as it was absolutely pouring rain and flooding, so instead I drove through the storm to drop my car off at the shop, then ran home. I don't mind running through the rain, but the ankle-deep water wasn't awesome! 5.59 miles.
Thursday: Nine miles aerobic (7:11 pace) plus 8xstrides. A tiny cool front followed the rain storm, and I tried the levee again, even though I got really overheated the prior week. I did much better with slightly lower temperatures and felt pretty good for the run. 9.7 miles
Friday: This workout was written as 10-16 x(90 seconds at 2 mile/5k, 3 minutes jog), but I modified it. For one thing, the workout portion would have taken me 72 minutes as written! And for another, I thought those rests were just too long. I did thirteen reps, and I did just 2 minutes jog. I hit just under 6 for most reps. 9 miles.
Saturday: Stroller recovery run. 6 miles
Sunday: Well, this was interesting. We showed up for our long run, and just as the group headed off, we heard the unmistakable BAM! of a car accident. It was one of our group's cars. And he was parked directly behind a police officer. A driver slammed into him, slamming him into the police SUV just ahead, in which an on-duty cop was filling out paperwork. I guess we can't really complain about NOPD response time: we had an officer on the scene in four seconds, haha. We waited for the insurance niceties to be filed, so we got a late start by about 25 minutes. It was pretty hot and humid, but I wore new shoes (finally retiring my old Kinvaras with 560 miles on them!) and I felt good! I got over 14 miles with a 7:35 average and really strong finish. 14.27 miles.

60.5 miles for the week including two workouts, an aerobic run, and a long run with fast finish.


  1. Well if you are going to get hit by a car, having it happen by a police officer is ideal I suppose? Glad it only took 25 minutes as that process can be so lengthy! Hope there wasn't too much damage to your friend's car!

    Running through ankle deep water does not sound fun. Good for you for not letting the rain stop you (not that you ever would!).

  2. You are really on fire and back into the groove of training. Sorrry about the car accident on your team, that's always so scary.
