
Monday, June 1, 2020

Training Log: A Power Mile

Monday: Easy miles with 10 strides thrown in. 7.4 miles at 8:30 pace.
Tuesday: Road workout: ten repeats of 90 seconds at 5k effort, 10 seconds hard, and 90 seconds jog. We had a group of six of us for this workout (our little sub-group...our COVID-safe group G has ten members, but not all of us show up every week). My friend Kate joined us for this run, and I enjoyed a chance to catch up with her a little on the warm up and cool down. There certainly wasn't a chance to afterward, because I had to bolt out of there...David had locked himself and the baby out of the house! Luckily, they were fine, and I got the text right away, so they didn't have to wait long to be rescued. My 5k efforts were mostly high 5:50s, some low 6:00s, but the "ten seconds hard" didn't really pick up on the Garmin, so the paces don't make sense. It's too short of an interval. I know I overextended myself on this workout because my rest jogs kept getting slower, never a good thing! 8.23 miles.
Wednesday: A stroller recovery day: five miles trying to keep the baby awake so he can take a good nap later! Five miles; no watch so no pace here.
Thursday: Ten miles aerobic on the levee. Even though it seemed a little cooler and less oppressive than typical May, I didn't feel amazing for this run. Normally I gradually speed up without any thought or effort, lately ending close to 7min pace. But this time I had to concentrate to control my pace. It was more work than a mid-week aerobic run should be. Ten miles at 7:16 pace.
Friday: A fun and crazy workout! Warm up, 8 strides, then 16 reps of 30 seconds WAO (wide-*ss open - I had to ask what it meant. Apparently it’s a term used in motor sports, i.e. “the throttle is WAO”) with a full minute jog rest. It was tricky completing this in the rather crowded park, but I managed, and enjoyed it, too! 8 miles total.
Saturday: a little over six with the baby, nice and slow. 6.1 miles
Sunday: Long run, back with the whole group for a 6 am start. We separated into pace groups to avoid groups larger than ten per city guidelines, and did 15 with a maybe not FAST finish, but a solid one. This is an earlier start time than I’m used to, and it’s when the baby usually eats. I got up early and pumped before I left the house, and David fed him when he woke up. This is the first time ever I haven’t fed him for breakfast but it didn’t faze him at all.

I just missed 60 miles with 59.9 for the week. Next week is a bit of an easier week, since we went pretty fast this week.

Louisiana is moving into phase 2 next week, which would allow our whole group to gather, but - New Orleans is not, so we won’t be. Our numbers look good, but officials are waiting to see if there is a post- Memorial Day spike. So we are holding off a little longer. Mini-groups continue for now!

1 comment:

  1. Another strong week of training! I bet it's so great to run with your group again. We are kind of in phase I of the reopening. I wonder what is going to happen with all the protesters who have been gathering. Many wear masks but not all do... I think we have a spike in cases in our future but we'll see. I totally respect the right to peacefully protest but just hate to think what this might do to our hospitals which are already getting close to ICU capacity...
