
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Beach babe

We were super duper lucky to be able to take a beach trip this weekend despite the COVID lockdown! David's parents have a house in Bay St. Louis with a private beach. They have not been to this house, meaning we could take advantage of a place to stay AND go to the beach, even though public beaches were still closed. What an opportunity!
We only went for a day - honestly, that's enough beach for me - but we had a great time. We packed up Friday night and drove the hour and fifteen minutes while the baby slept. We brought some snacks and breakfast, but decided ahead of time to get takeout for lunch and dinner - the house has not been used in so long that any cooking is an ordeal; you have to bring every single thing you need: oil, salt, pepper, etc. I just didn't want to do that much packing for a day trip!

We got to Bay St. Louis at about 8:30 and I put the baby back to bed (his bedtime is eight, but he woke up when we went into the house). The baby bed situation ended up being a fiasco - we had to move him downstairs after he went to sleep, because we realized that the air conditioning was out upstairs and it was 82 degrees! I had purchased a Baby Dome for him to use as a travel bed - and also because I thought it was a cool thing to have if we went to the park or even at the beach. It's like a mini travel playpen.'s also incredibly uncomfortable if you stupidly put it on top of a hard rope mat. I made that little mistake and didn't realize until the next morning that you can feel absolutely everything through the thin cushion at the bottom. It was like sleeping on gravel. Poor baby woke up FOUR TIMES that night, and this is the kid who never wakes up at night! Ugh! I was remarkably fresh the next day all things considered, but I know he wanted more sleep! Luckily I figured the problem out and moved the Dome for his naps the next day - and then it was fine.

But anyway, back to Friday night: we brought wine and snacks and had movie night with The Last Dance, the ESPN special on Michael Jordan's last season with the Bulls. So far I am loving the docu-series. I grew up in the Bulls/Jordan era and appreciate the deeper look into their story.
Pre-run coffee
We got up at our usual six on Saturday and I ran some bridge repeats over the bay before joining David for breakfast. I had made banana bread to bring and grabbed some fruit and yogurt, too, so nothing that required complicated cooking. I just wanted to relax! We read the paper and ate on the back porch while the baby napped, but I woke him up so we could go to the beach before it got too hot.
Sandy toes!

The bay beach isn't as nice as an ocean beach, but we still had fun. The water was too cold for real swimming (and it's really shallow there anyway) but we played in the sand. Once baby got brave enough (water and sand are weird when you're only three months old!) we sat him in the shallow parts that had warmed up in the sun. And of course, David took a million pictures! After the beach, we got some takeout from one of the beachfront restaurants and ate outside again (I would have loved to be able to eat at the restaurant on the water! Ah, someday we will again!). I was looking forward to baby's next nap to do a karate class. Our gym is offering streaming classes, and the Saturday karate class was perfect timing - mid-nap. Plus, this house has an open floor plan that is almost like a real dojo! David and I both took the class, and I hope I am slowly regaining some of the flexibility I lost. I have a lot of work to do to get back to where I was in karate, and the remote classes, while an excellent option under the circumstances, aren't as good as being taught in person. Who knows when gym classes can resume, though. We wrapped up the trip with a long walk in the neighborhood and along the beach, then pizza in front of more ESPN (replays!). 

King of the beach
Shallow splashes! 

It was such a nice break to be able to safely get away. We saw no one except ourselves the whole time except food pick up, and David masked / gloved for that. So it was a safe excursion. And just not being in our house was great fun. Even just sitting up front in the car together felt exciting. It's amazing what a few weeks of quarantine will do to you!


  1. I'm glad you were able to sneak a little safe getaway in! I love the beach pics - such chubby little thighs! Good work, mama! Paul was also so small so we never go to the super chubby thigh stage! Baby rolls are just the best!

    We went up to a state park one day back in March and while the trip did not work out well due to a stubborn toddler who refused to go in the carrier, it was really nice to just drive somewhere. And I typically HATE driving and being in the car. So yes, quarantine really does change your perspective on things!

  2. This sounds like such a wonderful getaway and much needed during these crazy times. Such cute photos of Audobaby! It was probably nice to treat yourself to the takeout as well!
