
Monday, July 3, 2017

Not yet

I'm still doing mostly weights: no running yet for me. I've tried short (just 100 yards) runs twice, and felt twinges, so I'm being quite cautious. But I'm not in pain right now.
Look! Going downstairs with no pain! Tulane,
please clean your garage stairs a little...

I had two sessions of acupuncture and they both improved my pain and mobility a great deal, but that last nagging tugging in the muscle didn't go away until I broke down and took naproxen. I don't like using NSAIDS when there could be bone involvement (I think this type of injury progresses to a stress fracture, and NSAIDS inhibit bone growth), but I've also noticed that sometimes persistent inflammation in a hard-to-reach area really responds to medication. In the past, I've done three or four high doses of NSAIDS, and that knocked the inflammation out. This time, two 500mg tablets of naproxen left over from hip surgery THREE years ago (Wow, I can't believe that!) got me over the pain hump. And now I'm just patiently waiting the requisite week or two before another try at running.

I'm ready to get back to running. I have races coming up - some short summer distances - and I'm starting to feel gross. For some reason, this running break I PACKED the pounds on, even though I was doing other workouts and was only on a short break. I don't normally gain appreciable weight with a break like this! Perhaps it just coincided with some particularly festive eating, but I'm starting to feel bleah in my clothes, so I'm ready to return to a normal routine.

I can hardly wait to get back out in that 90+ degree weather. Oh yeah! How's your summer running going?


  1. I saw your DailyMile on the side about running 8.3 miles until you got injured so that makes me think this post is now outdated and you're really hurt! I hate running breaks and injuries and weight gain and hope you can get back to running soon. I'm just slogging it out in the heat and humidity and patiently waiting on some Fall speed gains.

    1. Yeah, that shows the last post - it's from the last run before my calf started to bug me.

  2. Same here - except my knot is in my thigh instead of calf. Formed at mile 9 of a 10 mile run (SO RANDOM) and since I kept running on it's never going away... what IS it? A "muscle strain"? Now for real, I'm trying to stop running and even walking on it as much as possible b/c it'll never heal otherwise. Seriously contemplating acupuncture based on your rec.

    1. I was impressed with the results! It made a big difference fast!

  3. I hope you can get back to running soon but think you are wise to be patient before returning to running. It sucks to be sidelined by an injury. My summer running is going so so. I feel so out of shape. It's been warmer and more humid here lately and my pace is suffering. But I am trying to remind myself that my goal is to run my first half post-hip surgery. It's easier said than done, though, to tell myself that I don't need to have a time/pace goal...

  4. Wishing you a speedy return to running. I am sure that you have not gained all the weight you think you have.

  5. Ah, boo. And I know that feeling. Two weeks sitting on my butt in Ireland pretty much eating butter & whiskey. It was....not pretty. Hope you're back out there soon!

  6. Ugh, summer running. This morning it was 87 here, and I just had to sigh. When I got home, I checked the 10 day and fortunately we have some days coming up where it will get down to the low 80s or upper 70s again, which will probably feel a lot better. You're definitely not missing much by playing it smart in July...
