
Saturday, April 1, 2017

In which I skip a race

Last night, I came home to somewhat cooler weather, and I started researching races for the next morning. There were a few options, most notably the Bridge Run in Luling, but alas: it was not to be. I slept right through the race.

Because I was up until 1:30 am. Because I was taking a test. Because of many things!
This was just a really rough week. For starters, I was booked solid at work for multiple meetings, grand rounds, marketing events, and visits. Then, halfway through Monday, I was suddenly hit by waves of nausea. I picked up some kind of GI infection, and it was bad enough that I had to go home. So much for school that night. And thanks to that, I was suddenly behind on school. I'm taking Econ, and this is my least favorite class so far. The professor is just extremely disorganized and confused, and most annoyingly, doesn't open up the online modules on the weekend. So I honestly only have Monday, Thursday, and Friday nights to do all my work (including listen to his lectures, since this class includes two hour-long video lectures: a component that I hate).
On Tuesday, I had to drag my sick and weak self to work because our regions at work consolidated, and our new regional healthcare director was visiting. Wednesday was even busier, with meetings on and offsite booked solid. And Thursday I had four hours of meetings or marketing back to back. I was hoping to get work done on school on Thursday night, but the university's servers went down! Another wasted night!

So that is how I ended up with almost a week's worth of work on a Friday night. I can't work Friday morning, because even though it's my off-day from running, I decided that I didn't have enough on my plate and offered to host a women's Bible study at my house from 7 am to 8:15 am. I'm enjoying the study, the company, and hosting (I like hosting, and it gives me an excuse to bake delicious breakfast breads!), but it's that much less free time. Mentioning baking bread reminds me that I feel practically evil serving it to a group of women. Every week I hear, "Oh, I shouldn't! I can't have carbs! I wish I could! That smells so good, it's torture!" etc. I mean, people eat the bread, but they obviously feel guilty about it. When did BREAD, a staple of our diet for millennia, become forbidden?! Sometimes I want people to just, well, eat the bread. But I digress.

Grapefruit and lemon infusion
Anyway, I got my school done, but I really needed my sleep. I didn't get in bed until about 1:30 am, and I turned my alarm off and didn't wake up until the race would be finishing. Sleeping in meant that my long run ended at 10 am, but it was worth it!

Beet hummus eaten outside on a lovely day
Since I can't do school on the weekends, I've mostly been cooking up a storm. Or brewing up a storm. My house has been overtaken by bottles of limoncello and bowls of alcohol; I'm also not only brewing kombucha, I'm growing baby SCOBYs for friends (David is positive that the SCOBYs are going to stage a revolt and attack us at some point. It's true that I pay more attention to what I feed my babies than I do to what I feed him, so maybe he's just jealous). Last week I made some incredibly bright beet hummus.
This week, I might do some caramelized onion spread to use up some leftover wine. What's on your schedule for this weekendend?


  1. I can't have friends who think of bread as evil (unless they actually do have celiac disease, in which case they have a free pass!). I question their judgment too much...

    Your econ class sounds terrible. And the whole point of online modules is that you can do them in your free time, whether that's regular class hours or nights and weekends. I would definitely give feedback to the program administrators about that bit - you're a paying consumer, after all, especially for a mid-career MBA program.

    Tell David not to worry about the baby SCOBYs. Yogurt isn't sentient, either...OR IS IT?

  2. I'd be mega-irritated about being unable to do school work over the weekend. Really seems the prof doesn't know his/her audience. Our weekend was a lovely lazy -- got to see The Zookeeper's Wife (a book I really enjoyed many years ago), and had a wives' event for my husband's work that involved bowling and jenga while they had a meeting, then they joined us after the meeting so we could all bowl and jenga together. Such a fun afternoon and evening!

  3. OK - your week sounds insane. And I need to google what SCOBys are.
