
Monday, January 2, 2017

Condensed marathon training

Last week, I saw a Facebook post from some runners I know: "Last twenty miler done! Now it's taper time!" To my distress, I saw that they'd tagged the Louisiana Marathon.
You know, the race I'm running. 
The one I hadn't done a SINGLE long run for yet. 
So! In frantic-rectify mode, I did my first - of two - long runs Saturday I can do 16 miles next week, too, but then the week after that's the race! It definitely snuck up on me!

Luckily, this isn't a goal race - it's replacing a long run day in training for RnR New Orleans, and also luckily, I have been steadily increasing my miles since my hamstring started recovering. I did 229 miles in December, which is basically marathon mileage.

I've also been doing my speed work on Tuesdays, and have done two marathon-pace tempos on Thursdays, both of which went well. Am I ready to race on January 15th? Probably. It might be a little tough, but I think I'll survive.

What's your shortest marathon training cycle been? 

1 comment:

  1. I got hurt in November and had to take most of the month off running. I have a half marathon next weekend. I've considered dropping down to the 5K, but I've done 3 10 milers and a couple of 35-40 mile weeks. I'm gonna run a 12 this weekend and see just how good- or bad- I can do on so little prep.
