
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Art refresh

In the Arts and Crafts Market in Beijing, David and I wandered into a brush and ink store that sold finished art in a back room. While most of the art was framed, in the corner was a stack of well-thumbed pieces priced to sell - and easier to transport than framed art! We spent awhile looking through the art before choosing one. I immediately eliminated pieces that weren't a good size for my house (we have high ceilings, so small art gets lost) or would present framing difficulties. If art requires custom framing or a custom mat, I usually don't buy it. Then we started looking for art we liked. We narrowed it down to two pictures: Both had children, but one was a more classic rock-and-tree picture and the other, well, featured a goose. But I just thought it was charming, and against my more practical aesthetic judgment, we got the goose picture. I's a little odd: two large images compete for focal point status, and the composition is strange. That doesn't prevent me from liking it a lot, though!

It was high time for an art refresh in my dining room, so I swapped some art out and put my new picture on display. Love it!