
Friday, October 7, 2016

Hay's in the barn, cold's in the head

I can't believe I came down with a cold this week! It's not a bad cold, and might even just be allergies, especially since it's accompanied by a rash or hives of some sort (ON MY FACE. Between that and the hack job I did on my bangs, the pictures with my niece and nephew this weekend should be just adorable).
Regardless, I have a race this weekend, and I'm as ready to go as I'll ever be. I'm finishing up a paper in between charging my Garmin, picking out gels, and packing for weather colder than I've experienced in many months (it should be a beautiful weekend, especially for the race - 50's and 60's).

Hope I'm ready! And here, for your viewing pleasure, a picture of me with my award from last weekend. That's my friend Lauren, president of the NOTC. Awards were late, so I went home, changed, picked up David and my brother, and stopped to grab the award on the way to dinner...hence the outfit instead of sweaty running clothes!


  1. Just signed up to track you! Hope the cold goes away for race day. Good luck!!

    Enjoy the race - one of my favorites! (And home to my PR, so there's that.)

    1. WAIT. How did I not know that?! Any last minute tips for running uphill for three miles? :)

  2. Good luck tomorrow!!!! I can't wait to cheer you on!

  3. I love your award! I hope the race went well for you, I can't wait to see your recap of it.

  4. Eeeee!!!! You killed it! Nice job! Clearly the cold didn't interfere. Can't wait for the race report!
