
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Small victories

Today I swung by Varsity Sports to buy my gels for the marathon. I'll have to carry all my gels because the only fuel on the course is Shot Bloks at mile 18, both too late and too hard to eat at that point in the race.
So I grabbed some Gu, and then I saw that close-to-outdated Huma gels were on sale, so I grabbed some of them, too. "Might as well stock up for winter running," I thought.

And then I realized what a victory that was. For years, my little bowl of gels stood nearly empty, one or two dusty hammer gels at the bottom. I was too injured or too deep in recovery to stock up on gels. The very thought that I will, at some point, need ten gels is cause for celebration! I'm well enough now that I have no doubt that this marathon will not be my last. I sometimes forget that I had two major hip surgeries. The myrtles and hip exercises are second nature now (and honestly, shouldn't we all be doing them, anyway?) and the almost complete lack of pain allows it to slip my mind. In fact, I can't remember the last time my hip really bothered me when running. I definitely felt the left side last week, but that was while painting my nails. I stretch out on the floor, basically in a toe-touch stretch, and staying that way for five or ten minutes makes it pinch. But ten mile tempos? Nothing. I feel like pre-injury me (except slower. Bah!).

I'm so glad that something as simple as buying extra Gu is possible now. It makes me feel better about spending $12 on eleven ounces of sugar and water.


  1. That makes me SO happy for you. What a journey you've been through! And how lovely to be on the other side of it. :)

  2. I'm really surprised that's the only race provided nutrition on the course, seems weird. You've done a really great job of getting back healthy the past couple of years ... your hard work and dedication are really to be admired! Great job!

    1. Isn't it? Mile 18? What the heck!
      Thanks for the kind words. I do sort of wish I could get my speed back, but I am also just happy to be running healthily.

  3. I really admire how you handled your rehab. You eased your way back into running, and you were patient. I also like to stockpile energy gels and chews.

  4. Hooray for that milestone! So glad you're on your way to a triumphant comeback marathon. Have you checked out the chia and fruit squeeze pouches in the kids snack aisle? Might be heavier and less calorie dense than gels, but a cheaper option.

    1. No, but I did try some of the Powerbar version I got for free - my stomach didn't really like the fruit part (also why I didn't get any fruit Huma gels: they use real fruit puree, too). I do sometimes bring salted rice for fuel, but not for races.

  5. It is odd that the only time they give out nutrition is mile 18. I've encountered that at a couple of races and it just seems really odd!

    I definitely needed to read this post. I've been feeling a little bit defeated lately as it's been such a long road to recovery for me. So it helps to read about how you've gone through the hip surgery twice and are back at it! Hopefully that will be me in a year or two!!

  6. I am going to buy Gu's/gels today too! Victories all around. I'm tempted to try to eat the ones that have been sitting around for years and expired in 2013 that I should probably just throw away at this point... (I got them for free anyway so why do I feel guilty!) Also, I keep meaning to re-look up the Myrtls. I knew them at one point and should probably be doing them too. Sigh, old age.
