
Friday, June 24, 2016

I might as well give up

Well, things have sucked lately.
First, I had a terrible flu-like illness for nearly a month. I kept up a semblance of running, but the quality (distance, speed) plummeted. Work wasn't fun, either: in addition to being very sick, I had several employees out and a big conference, all while super ill. 
I was well for about one day. Then David and I had a weekend date to see a play put on by Southern Rep Theater. Before the play, we tried an upscale Mexican place known for their margaritas. It happened to be their "ceviche week", and I love ceviche, so we split an order. We also both had a margarita and split our entrees. Yet I was incredibly sick the next morning, and David was fine! So I don't know if I can blame the ceviche, or if I just got sick - but I had horrible stomach problems and weakness and even fever for TEN DAYS.
At least David got me flowers. 
 I still dragged myself to work, because my poor tech got in a car accident that very same week and had to have stitches on her mouth, greatly limiting her ability to work, so she stayed home for five days. I hate going to work sick, because most of my patients are immunocompromised, but I had no choice. I just made sure I didn't actually interact with any of them. What I did not do was run - I tried to run about a week ago, but for some reason, that is the most painful thing ever right now. As soon as I get moving, it feels like knives in my stomach! And that has not gone away! I took many days completely off because I felt so bad, but now I am a little stronger, so I am trying to get my strength training in at least, and hoping the stomach pain finally goes away soon. 
In the meantime, marathon training has NOT started, and may very well go on the back shelf. I have to get well first! 


  1. I hope you feel better soon! So sorry to hear you're having to work while dealing with all of this- it sounds like your body needs a break and any running you do right now might be worse for you :(. You're definitely a rockstar runner in general so when you are able to train again, I have no doubt you will get right back into it fairly quickly.

    1. Thank you, I hope I can get things back together this week!

  2. Dang, you just can not catch a break. I hope that you are back to feeling more like your normal self soon. You'll recover from this sick spell and run a strong race some October! Hang in there!!

  3. Ugh, that sounds miserable. Hope you're feeling better soon. Definitely a fan of "aggressive recovery" as opposed to trying and trying and trying to run through suckage & usually just prolonging it.

  4. So sorry to hear of your recent troubles; you've been through a lot! I wanted to comment to thank you for your blog. I found you while researching my upcoming hip labral repair surgery (happening next week!), and your posts were all SO helpful. Really happy to see that you are still writing, too! Hoping the next few weeks are easier for you.

    1. Good luck with your surgery and let me know if you have any questions!

  5. Oh. My. Word. I hope you recover soon! I would think about possible non-food-poisoning causes of the stomach trouble (stress ulcer? gastroenteritis? general flu side effects? flu: could you have mono????) as David being fine and you sick is a big clue. And I agree with Angela: aggressive recovery all the way!

  6. Sending healing wishes your way, you deserve a break!

  7. Oh,'re having a time of it lately. :( I hope this is the end of it and you spend the rest of the year healthy and under less stress!
