
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Feels like 101F

Eight O'clock am with a feels like of 101...sounds like I should do a tempo, right? Ha! I finished three miles and almost passed out. I'm not sure how this summer marathon training is going to play out, but I do admit that today was tougher coming off several days of illness and no running. Maybe it will get easier. Or maybe I need to wake up earlier - at least beat the sun, if I can't beat the humidity.


  1. Be careful out there! Just running at all in 100+ degrees is hard.

  2. Stay safe in the heat!!! Every year I forget how hot it is when I start thinking about fall racing... Fall racing=summer base building and training. Summer base building and training =frying like an egg on the sidewalk.

  3. Ugh, that sounds awful! Training for a marathon in the summer in NOLA would be so hard! Be careful! I hope you are fully recovered from that awful bug you had!

  4. They're saying heat index of 106 here today, but that will be in the next couple hours. We were under 100 this morning! It felt particularly brutal for me since it was low 60s yesterday when I ran in Philly...

  5. It is unseasonably warm here in Colorado. Not "feels like 101" hot, but this weekend it is supposed to be near 100. Ugh!!!

  6. I have just found your running blog through the web!

    Have nice runs!
