
Friday, April 1, 2016

Please tell me it's April Fool's

The latest posts in my MBA program are so bad that I am hoping against hope that they're April Fool's jokes. I can't believe I've gone this long without losing it and correcting someone's English.

Other than lots of classes, I've still been running: I felt really good after the Crescent City Classic (dead giveaway that I didn't race well), so didn't need any time off. On Tuesday, I switched back to early morning track, but they were doing 200's and I wanted a longer workout. So instead I did: 2000m at 10k pace with 400m jog rest, then a descending ladder at increasing speeds: 1 mi, 0.75 mi, 0.5 mi, all the way down to 0.25 mi in 1:27, with a 400m jog between each, then tacked 1 mi at 10k pace on the end.

With warm up and cool-down, it was a nice 8 miles, and I really felt like I got some work in. My next race is a tiny 5k, followed by...I honestly have no idea. I need some free time to go look at my race schedule!

For now, back to really boring classes and a really long day at work.


  1. The posting system for your MBA program sounds frustrating... Some people just can't write... or string together a coherent sentence, which is quite sad.

    Hearing about your workouts makes me reallllly miss run club. I've stopped opening the emails from our coach so I don't have to know what I am missing out on. :(

    1. I definitely understand. During all my injuries and surgeries, I unsubscribed from a lot of race emails and running group updates.

  2. Oh, I feel your pain. The classes I've taken towards a Masters in special ed have been appalling in how little people who already have an education degree know. :o
