
Thursday, March 10, 2016

What was I thinking?!

I started classes on Monday. Yes, I'm 33 and back in school, getting an MBA (much like about 60% of 33 year olds these days!).

I have no clue why I am doing this to myself: an accelerated degree program that can be completed in under a year and a half. So far, I've been up until midnight every night this week. I don't have the kind of job where I could possibly work on classes during a lull or on lunch (I don't get a lunch break). And I work 9 hours days. And I have track on Mondays, Bible study on Tuesdays, and church community group on Wednesdays. So I am cramming in all of my work in the late evening. Tonight will be the first activity-free night, and I will try to get to bed at a more reasonable time.
We were traveling this weekend, so I hope things get easier next week, when I will have been able to do some reading and prep over the weekend.
Anyone else getting their MBA, or got one while already in the work force?


  1. Hahaha. Are you me? Except without the whole kids thing, and I don't have a doctorate in Pharmacy, and I'm cough cough almost 38... You amaze me because you already have an advanced degree, so why go back for more?
    I went back, to school at my husband's urging. I had wanted to go back but, I wasn't sure my family would be able to handle the crazy schedule... So far so good. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I got my bachelor's in 2007, and this is the first time I've gone to school where everything is online. I know my running is going to take a hit. But, it will only be for a year due to the accelerated nature of the program. what are you going to get you emphasis in? I'm so glad I have someone else I can commiserate with...

    1. Woo-hoo, MBA buddies! I'm totally online, too, but it's from a state school.So oddly, most of the students are pretty local! This is also a 13 month program, but I needed a foundation course prior (my accounting didn't transfer) plus I plan to take one 7-week period off halfway through.

  2. A. Congrats! I think you're up for the challenge!
    B. What about cutting one of the 2 church/spiritual nights out for the next 18 mos?
    C. What about dropping the track night and just doing maintenance running in the mornings for a year or so?
    D. How do you not get a lunch break???

    1. A. Thanks! But I hate school!
      B. I'm dropping one of the Bible studies. It's a long story as to why we are even still doing it...
      C. We shall see if track even sticks. It's a newer group.
      D. Almost no pharmacists get lunch breaks. If I went on break, who would fill the prescriptions?

  3. I wasn't working, but I had a toddler when getting my MBA at Wharton, and that was fun :-/

  4. I got my MBA when I was working full time. I echo was Carina says - find a way to cut back on 1-2 nights of other plans. I know it's not ideal but you will run yourself into the ground otherwise. I did not take on much in my personal life when I was in school because homework, going to classes, and meeting to work on group project work was so time consuming!

    Good luck!

  5. No MBA, but I did go back to grad school in 2010 to get my M.A. in English. At the time, my boys were 2, 4, and 7. I remember one time doing my online discussion board posts in a hotel bathroom so that I wouldn't keep them up. Also had to finish a paper while my husband and I vacationed in Napa Valley for his 40th birthday. I was teaching part-time at our community college as well. It was a STRUGGLE! You are smart and focused though, so you will get through it.

    Re: continued education, I'm starting teacher training through teachNOLA this summer, so there will be 5 weeks of "boot camp" style training where we meet from 7 am-6 pm. I have NO idea how I'm going to train unless I get up at 4:30 am. Sigh.

  6. Yikes, you're brave. Good luck balancing everything! I know a couple of people who have done the grown-up MBA thing and it does seem super intense.

  7. Wow, congrats! What are you hoping to do with the MBA? It's impressive to hear everyone's stories! Hang in there. It's definitely nice that the program is accelerated (more pain for a shorter amount of time) in my opinion anyway. Good luck! Going to school as an older student was tough for me and I didn't even finish my program! :)

  8. Hang in there, you can do it. I got my MFA while working full-time, raising a child by myself and working a second job on weekends. It was stressful but also kind of invigorating. I didn't run at the time, though. I swam, since I could do it lying down, hee, hee. Cheers and take care. I know you can do it.

  9. Oof. Going back to school is so much tougher as an adult. Good luck with it! Are you getting sponsored by your company as part of some sort of management-track program?
