
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tuesday non-track

Monday night, our track club "coach" was babysitting and didn't send out any workout. That left us on our own Tuesday morning. Melissa texted to see if I'd like to meet at the park for pick-ups instead, so no track this Tuesday.
I ran to our meeting spot, and we did a workout of two sets of 5x2 min hard, 1 min easy. We had a 10 minute jog between sets.
The park in the early morning was beautiful. We watched a rainbow of colors come up with the sun, muted by fog rolling over the water. Since it's December, myriad migrating birds flew overhead or crowded around the track. It was really lovely. I'm usually in the park about an hour later in the day, so I don't often see the morning mist or the sunrise.
This workout doesn't have really fast running or really slow recoveries, which can be challenging if you're out of shape like me. But I managed to hang with Melissa for the first four reps, and finished about 5 seconds back for the last rep of each set. That's not bad. I do think I'm seeing a little improvement.
Once our last rep was done, we went our separate ways and both did our cool-downs on the run home (we live in opposite directions, but about the same distance from Audubon Park). I finished with 8.2 miles in average 7:31 pace, but didn't record laps or anything on my Garmin. I let Melissa do the timing. I know that's not fair, but she's so much faster/fitter than me now that the only way I can sort of keep up is to pile all that kind of work on her!
This picture looked less like I have a left prosthetic when I took it, I swear.
I'm back to wearing my Mizuno Mushas (discontinued, but great shoes) for track. I also wore them this for this park workout, because I set my clothes out the night before and didn't know that we were running in the park until I got a text from Melissa in the morning. I didn't want to go back into the bedroom for other shoes and risk waking David, so I wore flats in the park. Hopefully my hip won't fall off later after that stunt. Otherwise, I feel pretty good; just still feeling tight hamstrings.


  1. I LOVED the Mushas! I was so very sad when they discontinued them. The new Mizuno Cruise looks kind of similar so I'm hoping to try those out at some point. Solid workout!

    1. I hope so, because the Musha was the best! It fit my foot perfectly and never felt too stiff - yet still had great rebound.

  2. Glad to hear you are still running! and well too!

    Could I send you an email about nose bleed problems? I couldn't seem to find your email address on your blog.

    1. Sure! gracethacker at gmail.

    2. Thanks! Email has been sent. You can now delete this whole comment if you don't want your email address present on your blog.

  3. Catching up on your blog - fun to see that you still wear the mushas - they were the ONLY mizuno sneakers that I thought were good. Ok...going to get back to reading now:)
