
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Saints game at the Bay

We did it! We finally realized a dream and watched a Saints game while kicked back at The Blind Tiger in Bay St. Louis. It was our good friend's idea - the breeze blowing through the windows right on the beach while the Saints defense proudly stood their ground, the offensive line let Drew Brees do his thing, and the offense played penalty-less, clean, concise ball.

Er. As you know, none of all that happened. But we did have drinks by the water with friends, and the setting was really perfect. The bar is all open-air and right on the bay beach, and the weather was sunny and low 80's - ideal. If only the Saints had won...or, like we said in the old days, just lost with dignity. I think it's time for the Ain'ts again.

We had our godchildren for the weekend at the Bay with us, and had a lovely time, although no pics for you since I haven't asked mom's permission yet. But we flew kites, made personal pizzas, read lots of books, and painted pumpkins. A nice break from work!

Oh, and I took advantage of the Bay Bridge for a hilly 12 miler. Got to get "hills" where you can.


  1. Excuse my Australian ignorance but what sport are we talking about? My guess is NFL, basketball or baseball.

    1. NFL. the Saints suck this year, and in times past we called them the "Ain'ts" - looks like it's that time again!
