
Friday, February 27, 2015

Training: Crescent City Classic 10k

Here's a question for you:
How do you train for a 10k when you're 10 weeks post-op, and the race is in a little over 5 weeks?
It's a good question. I had a better answer a month and a half ago, before I got really sick. I'd carefully created a training plan, starting with low-resistance biking, progressing to pool running and elliptical, and ending with a running build-up. It wasn't a recipe for a PR, but it would probably get me through the Crescent City Classic 10k without walking.
Now, I've scaled back my expectations somewhat. During my last PT appointment, I talked to Christian about the race, and we discussed workouts to make it possible. We unfortunately cut out a lot of strength work until my ribs heal, so I am curently omitting the original short strength or core workout I would do daily. I can still do lower body, but that's about it. Here's what my new plan looks like:

Every day: PT routine; strength or core (15 min) if no pain.
Week 1: Cardio five days a week for 45 minutes, with one session increased intensity and one day alternating walk/run. One rest day (PT day) and one strength day (only if no ribcage pain, or modified). Cardio options: elliptical, pool running, exercise bike, outdoor bike, stairclimber. Can do up to two hours on the weekend. HAHAHAHAHA. That has not happened, and it never will.
Week 2: Same as week 1, but may increase walk/running to two days. Not to exceed 3 miles total with running portion less than half.
Week 3: (Cleared to run!). Up to three days a week, walk-run, do not exceed 1 mile running at a time. No two days in a row. Otherwise, same as week 1.
Week 4: Same as week 3, but may increase to 3 miles at a time and total distance 5 miles.
Week 5: Same as week 4, but may increase to 5 miles at a time and total distance 7 miles. Still just three days a week, interspersed with other cardio.
Week 5.5: Easy jogging as tolerated.

This build-up is totally different from last time - last time I worked on more days of running before I added distance. But this time I need to get the distance in so I can make it 6 miles without dropping dead.
Notably lacking: Any speed work, obviously. The goal here is just to finish with both hips intact. And I think that won't be a problem - my hips are feeling really good. I can't believe how strong the right hip feels! Even after skipping out on a ton of PT work while sick. I'm pretty excited to get back to normal activity soon.


  1. I think your key for this race, but more importantly, long term health and success, is going to be mental discipline. With your career and education, you're obviously a mentally disciplined person - but it seems sometimes with running (like most of us competitive types), you let the moment get the best of you. And yes, this is pot/kettle, because I'm the world's biggest culprit of this. Ya know, we go into a run or training block with a certain goal or pace in mind, but then we feel much better than anticipated, so we push it, and push it, and push it. In my humble opinion ... you shouldn't push it yet. Just ease into this one as your plan indicates you will, and should. I think this will be a great "comeback" year for you, but just start slow and don't let your emotions talk you into running faster than you should at this point. Good luck!

    1. I know, I think it's because I don't take running seriously enough (because it's my "fun" thing, my hobby). Good advice, and I am going to try my best to take it! That's one of the reasons I actually wrote something down this time, to ensure that I have a plan to which I must remain accountable. My biggest worry is that I will get to the starting line of the CCC with thousands of other runners and try to actually race it. I KNOW I can't do that right now, but I also know I will probably start too fast anyway!

    2. Know anyone doing a first easy 10k there? Maybe you could run with that person to ensure you take it slow and easy.

    3. Good idea, I can check with my run group.
