
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The plague is back

The very next morning after I completed my antibiotics for my revolting throat infection, my symptoms returned with a vengeance. I'm just as sick, if not worse, than before. I'm sure my paltry little amoxicillin prescription couldn't put up enough of a fight against whatever vicious, resistant, super-bug bacteria I picked up at the hospital.
Here I am, sick as a dog, going on two and a half weeks - and we have so many plans and guests for Mardi Gras. Great.
My big plan this year was to create a savory king cake to bring to a parade party, but I don't think anyone wants to eat anything I've touched unless I have a sudden recovery (But don't steal my idea. It's happening next year, promise). I was also going to make a bacon and brown sugar king cake for my bacon-loving hipster church friends. My church is full of hipsters. They all wear plaid, ride bikes, drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, grow beards, and like bacon in non-bacon-appropriate places. They'll be disappointed.
Heading upstairs with a mystery/crime novel. It's pretty good, although the language is atrocious. 
Tonight we were supposed to bike down St. Charles to the Nyx parade, but I just don't feel well enough. Instead I'm going to bed with a cup of tea and a good book.


  1. Ugh, get well soon! (A bacon and brown sugar king cake does sound amazing, hipster taste buds or not...)

  2. Bacon what?? That sounds... umm, intriguing. Carry on... Happy Mardi Gras! I will eat some crepes for you.

  3. Boo...What a horrible time to be sick! Get well soon!

    (Also, I really want to steal your mug. So voluminous!)

  4. That sucks that you have been so sick! I hope that you can get on another different/stronger RX and be back to full health soon!

  5. Oh boo! I hope the crud is gone for good soon!

  6. That's no fun at all. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  7. Hope you feel better - I'm sure with your career, it's much tougher to stay healthy than most of us. Hipsters make me smile. My son-in-law is a "wanna-be-hipster" (if there is such a thing). They work soooooo hard at "appearing" dirty and carefree. I admire their commitment to the facade. Hmm, I wonder what they'll be when this fad expires. Cute kids.
