
Monday, February 9, 2015


If you are in the middle of winter, I'm sorry that I am about to show you pictures of the sun filtering through oak tree branches out of a cloudless blue sky on a 70 degree day.

Really, incredible weather for a day of parading. We hung out with friends, had some beer, and did what New Orleanians do best - run into people we know. That's kind of how you do Mardi Gras: you share your food and drinks with whoever you end up seeing.

We stayed for two and a half parades, then ducked out so David could make it home in time for mass. I went home to wash my hair - I got my bell rung by a huge bag a beads that clocked me on the forehead, and I had blood in my hair (those throws are dangerous!).

But it's not a good parade without a little blood, right?


  1. Ow! We go to Mobile Mardi Gras every year and two years ago one of my bestie's twins, who was about 5 or 6 at the time, got her clock cleaned. Her mom had backed out of the crowd with their son, but her husband stayed with their daughter and tried to kind of stand over her to make sure she didn't get hit, but something came in from another angle and she ended up with a big bruise and some little cuts. Her first Mardi Gras wound, fortunately she still loves it!

  2. Yes, yes I am jealous of your warm weather! But I'm glad you got to enjoy it. My husband was down there last year for Mardi Gras (he had a conference at the same time--nice!) and I think it was a fluke year in the 30s?

  3. I've never been to mardi gras, but i could sure use your weather!!
    I will remember to wear a helmet if I ever get to go. Sounds dangerous! :)

  4. Why is your head bleeding? Because I got hit by a necklace.
    That's a first for me.

  5. Ouch, a head injury from a parade! That's an intense experience! Looks like a beautiful weekend. It was above 30 here which is like 70 for us Minnesotans because it could be -20. So yah. We are excited to go to Santa Barbara this weekend, though, as it will be 75 and sunny. I have forgotten how to dress for weather like that. ;)

  6. Happy Mardi Gras! Yeah, those bead throwers do not mess around, do they! I also had a lot of foot injuries during Mardi Gras, as I stupidly watched a couple of the parades up on Canal street... I learned my lesson quickly though.

  7. I'm seeing snow out my window and now I'm incredibly jealous. I have some friends going to Mardi Gras this year - hopefully no casualties will be reported!
