
Monday, December 8, 2014

Year of Running, 2014.

It's Miss Zippy's year-of-running post!
Join in on her page.
Best race experience: Racing in 2014 was almost nonexistent: I ran a hot and greasy half-marathon in a near PW time, a 5k in which I tore my labrum acutely, a pre-surgery hot and slow 5k, a post-surgery hot and slow 5k, and one normal, honest, real race 5k.
I'll go with that one, a few weeks ago: the Crescent City Fall Classic. I changed my pacing plan at the very last moment (starting line) and went for sub-20 to get a "B" corral at the Classic 10k next Spring. I squeaked in by a second!
Best run: Hands down, my first post-surgery run, even if it was half walking!
Best new piece of gear: I fell in love with Coeur's run short for comfort, function, fit, and appearance. I thought I'd be raving about their bras with pockets, which I love as well, but these shorts are so perfect for me that they had to win out!
Best piece of running advice you received: It's all about hip strength. Too late, but good advice nonetheless.
Most inspirational runner: This one, who completed the RnR New Orleans half for the second time. The first time her doctors were still questioning if she'd ever walk again. Not all recovery stories have fairy tale endings, like suddenly she can run and she's winning races, etc. This is all about hard work for Monique Koll.


  1. Hmm…your year sounds something like mine in the "little racing" department. I know your 2015 will be great for you, though, once you have recovered and can move forward. And what a great pic on the inspirational runner. Thanks for linking in!

  2. I didn't have that many running races either, at least that stand out. You're got a great year coming,'re due!!

  3. Definitely a tough running, and health year for you - and early 2015 will obviously be similar. But hopefully the surgery will completely solve all the hip issues for you Grace. And I'm sure you weren't referring to me with the hip advice ... but I'm gonna take credit for it because it sounded smart!

  4. What a great post! I'll have to try this! 2015 will be your year!!

  5. Your post on this is so much shorter than mine...ha! I tried but my usual wordy/non-concise style took over to make it a : skim read for most. ha! But yours? I could real all of it and still comment intelligently. :) I can imagine why your first run post surgery was your best run...even half-walking, we are blessed to be out there moving our bodies and doing what we love. I hope that 2015 brings much healing and movement for you in the running department!

  6. Replies
    1. Aw, thanks for commenting! You've been an incredible example to a lot of us in the running world, especially me, as I deal with several surgeries and comebacks. Thanks, and keep getting better!
