
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

First steps

I'm off the crutches and on my own two legs again!
After  rough couple of days last week, it feels good to make some progress and have something to place in the "pros" column of my recovery pros and cons chart (Cons: brace, CPM machine, drainage, crutches, antibiotics, crutch chafing, Guyon's canal syndrome, near-miss with fatal skin reaction).
The first day I felt a little weak and awkward, and I discovered that walking normally in the brace is difficult (it's still set at 0 degrees extension, so all my walking has to be done ahead of my body).
The good news: the pain I felt prior to surgery is no longer there. It was a very distinct feeling, and I'm glad it's gone.
The bad news: I have some groin aching and pinching and hip flexor pain. I've been doing my best to avoid or minimize hip flexor tendinitis, but I appear to have a little.

I'm not sure what to make of the situation right now. I assume that the pain I'm feeling is normal, and it hurts because labrum was cut at that area and bone shaved down. I don't think it's a sign of failed surgery, because the pain I felt before is gone. I also don't think it's a sign of damage to the surgical site or weight-bearing too soon, because the pain is not really on impact. It grows after use (like, it hurts more after a long walk than after a night in bed resting), but pain is more related to internal rotation of the leg or adduction than weight-bearing. I think it's just pain because work was done in there, and it's still healing. I see the PT this morning, so I will check in with him and watch him Google it on his phone (his new phone - he upgraded with his first paycheck. This guy is an infant.).

Right now the pain isn't bad at all, but I don't want to do anything I shouldn't do, so I'm trying to take things easy. I know that it's my tendency to shrug off pain, and look where that got me? In a brace for 6 weeks!


  1. Great, in spite of the pain, it sounds like you're moving in the right direction. If the PT gives you strengthening exercises for the groin (I think that's the adductor longus) can you please post - I'm particularly weak there and need some new ideas.

  2. Thank goodness you are off the crutches! That is a huge improvement. I hope your recovery keeps going well!

  3. recovery is so difficult - baby steps!!

  4. Sounds like you are headed in the right direction, finally! I hope the hip flexor pain is a bump in the road. Keep up the progress!

  5. Good riddance to those crutches! This is definitely a step in the right direction! Yay!

  6. Absolutely you should be feeling pain from the surgery. Hey, they cut away bits of you just a couple of weeks ago - give it time and I'm sure the pain will go.

  7. Hopefully the pain you are feeling is normal and your PT can confirm that. It's encouraging to hear that the pain you felt before the surgery is gone, though. I hope you continue to heal and feel stronger each day!!

  8. Goodness. Your PT is a child! I hope he can tell you whether the pain is a normal part of the healing process. But you know your body and your instincts have been right about pain before - if the pain lasts too long or is different - holler.

  9. Yay for being off the crutches!!! Now I'm going to be the bitch that tells you to slow the f down to maximize the benefits of your surgery. My unprofessional yet observant take on some of this is you are doing too much.

    1. Oh, I am, I'm sure. It's work that does it - people expect so much, so quickly, and I can't rely on the "I'm on crutches" pity thing anymore. I'm doing the best I can, but I catch myself pushing the limits all day long.

    2. Are you able to get a doctor's note? Modified work schedule? Or tell people to fuck off, you have to go slow so they'll just have to be patient?

    3. Well, I was supposed to take a week off to begin with, but - we have NO extra pharmacists. In fact we're all working overtime just to keep our stores open. So, can't take off. I do have a chair nearby in case I need to sit, and I'm just trying to be mindful of my movements. Luckily, it's not a very strenuous job; my errors are reaching/bending too far to grab drugs off bottom shelves or paper for the printer. I need to watch that range of motion.

  10. I was supposed to take a few weeks off after surgery, too. But we have no extra moms here ;-) Fight for what your body needs, Gracie. I really really want you to heal quickly and be back at all the things you love to do with no pain or drainage!

    1. Yep, mom's can't take sick days! I am trying to be careful. I don't want to haves wasted this surgery.
