
Monday, May 19, 2014

Other things I'm doing

Besides limping, I've been:
1. Finishing up the semester of tutoring. I tutor reading for a local non-profit, STAIR (Start the Adventure in Reading), and on the very last day this little guy took the test to pass his second STAIR level. He started out the year pretty far behind, so to go up two levels took him close to grade level! Our coordinator sent out cards with snapshots of us teaching, but - I didn't think it was right to post his face so I cut it off  :)
Here is my student's arm.

2. Taking scary car pictures. Kidding. This is meant to show you that I found BOTH my missing name tags in separate places on the same day. In files. One was labeled, "Tags". The other? "Name tags". My husband's obsession with GTD is annoying!

3. Shopping. Yellow jeans for summer. It is summer soon, right? Because it was in the 50's earlier this week. That has to be a record.

And I love these shoes. I totally wore them to work with a black top and pants cropped with a tiny cuff. I was fine for 9 hours of standing and walking!

4. Going to a running form clinic. I guess I'll just store those lessons for later!

5. Having a date night at Domenica, followed by War Horse at the Saenger theater.
Clam pizza and roasted pork with salsa verde 

I walked over to the restaurant after work, and David dropped me back off at my car when the play was over. This was on the sidewalk outside my parking garage. Yeah, Tulane Medical Center is in a gross part of town.
I texted this to David while I was driving home and he answered, "Put your clothes back on, girl!"


  1. That's awesome that you volunteer with the reading program. More people should give their time like that. When my kids were little, I did the same thing at their elementary school - it's so rewarding! I often find undergarments on the side of the road, particularly on early morning weekend runs - presumably from a wild night before. But who knows, it could be from my wild & crazy local Walgreens pharmacist.

  2. what brand/style are those killer shoes?

    1. They're $10 shoes from Rainbow! Cheapest ever but actually comfortable!

  3. Ha! Love this. Love that you tutor cool. Rewarding. I do too...but through a literacy council and I tutor and older lady in her 60s. A lot of it is helping her erase messages she has told herself all her life and replace them with messages of courage and self-love and belief. I might have to get some yellow jeans.

    1. I want to teach adult literacy, too. I thought kids were a safe place to start, though, because I've taught kids how to read before.

  4. #2 is indeed scary - don't F with me! lol

  5. Nice shoes! They look like they work with the pants, too, so winning!

  6. Love the yellow pants. I just bought neon yellow cord cut offs for summer. Sympatico! Kristen

  7. Good for you for helping out with the tutoring--what a gift to someone. And I love the yellow jeans/shoes. Hoping you are back and putting that running form info to work asap.

  8. If you were wearing all black in that name tag picture you could totally be in a Men in Black movie promo.

    The tutoring is awesome. It always makes me a little sad that I can't post my students' pictures. What a big difference you're making for that little boy (and his arm).

    I never see underwear on the ground while out and about. I must be hanging out in the wrong (or right) parts of town.

  9. Gah, sorry I've been blog MIA and just now reading your NOT RUNNING. Ugh, I'm so sorry. Sounds like you have some answers though and that's always a big relief....then you can start your plan to get back running after recovery :).

    The yellow jeans are AWESOME!

    Hang in there! I'll be checking in more frequently (twins graduating and all the end of year activities ... CRAZY)!

  10. I love colored jeans! I'm just not totally sure how to wear them, so I wear the same shirt over and over again, ha.
