
Monday, March 3, 2014

Thoth Sunday!

Thoth Sunday is the best day of Carnival!
Why? For one thing, it never rains. It just doesn't. Tradition is, it never rains on Thoth, and since I've been a New Orleanian, it has never rained on Thoth!*
Why else? Well, our church cancels service and instead has a wonderful jazz concert in partnership with the St. Charles Ave Baptist church that we rent from. It features Dr. Michael White and the original Liberty Jazz Band. 
Cute story from yesterday: I saw the 87 year old pianist in front of the church getting ready while I was on my run. He said, "Run fast lady!" and I said, "I will! I have to be back in time to hear you play!"

After church, we all walk through Audubon Park to my pastor's house on Magazine street for a wonderful party while we watch the parade.

And then David, who rides in Thoth, throws me tons of cheap crap! 
My pastor got this picture of David throwing beads
Thoth's theme this year was movie related in honor of the Oscars, and every float was a different classic film. David was on the Forrest Gump float and some of his special throws were boxes of chocolates!

*Thoth is the name of one of the krewes. It parades on the Sunday before Mardi Gras, Uptown, before Bacchus.


  1. Thank you for the education b/c I wasn't familiar with Thoth Sunday! I'll bet NO is a great place to be right about now.

  2. It's fun reading this, bc I have a friend who's new to NO this past year and is experiencing Mardi Gras for the first time. Cool to hear a little background, and your church's celebration sounds pretty wonderful.

  3. I bet the music was amazing! It's funny that you're talking about this because I was just googling Mardi Gras yesterday. My son's been invited to a Deep South themed party and it was suggested on the invitation to come as either a cowboy or indian. ???? Maybe for a wild West party. I immediately went to plantations and Mardi Gras and swamps. I think the person who's having the party has no idea.

  4. Enjoy Mardi Gras tomorrow! I'm not sure I consider you to be on the "bigger side" of runners, but you are probably more muscled than the average elite. I feel like I sort of pulled a you, with pulling out a PR that I totally didn't expect - seems like you make your living at that lol.

    Side note, but Preservation Hall Jazz band is playing at Coachella this year, they sound awesome, I'm assuming they are worth checking out live at the festival?

    1. They're classic - like, very traditional jazz. It isn't my favorite style, but they're very good at what they do!

  5. Happy Mardi Gras! I have got to visit NOLA over Mardi Gras weekend. There's so much rich and lively local culture there; this is the first time I've heard about any particular parade krewe. Sounds like a fantastic weekend.

  6. I went to Thoth for the first time this year! It was great until one of the riders went by bellowing "Why the F*ck would you bring your child to this?" at the sea of youngsters at the corner of Magazine and Arabella. Hopefully he sobered up when he got home, took a long hard look in the mirror and realized that perhaps day drinking is not for him. :(

    1. Ugh, creepy! Thoth is one of the great day parades for kids!

  7. I know, right? I think that guy must have been a) from out of town, b) wasted, and c) a horrible person.
