
Monday, February 10, 2014

Moving on to the 10k

Last week I sort of relaxed, recovering from the half-marathon. I felt fine, but since I've decided to stop being dumb, I took time off from running anyway. Some of it was accidental, but I'm sure I needed it. Last week looked like this:

Sunday: Race
Monday: Speed work, slow: our group often does speed work the day after a race, but slowly. It gets blood flowing in short intervals with lots of rest, so it's a good recovery run. The rule is just that you join a (significantly) slower group. We did some mile repeats and some 300s. Plus 10 min abs.
City Park track

Tuesday: Iron Strength workout
Wednesday: Nothing, had the busiest day ever and couldn't fit anything in.
Thursday: Slept in and managed 3 miles before work.
Friday: Seven miles
Saturday: Slept WAY in and did 12 very easy. I ran into so many people in the park and ran with them or stopped to talk a lot, so this took me forever! But it was a beautiful day for once, and I was enjoying the weather.

Post race injury report: I really feel very, very good. Not perfect, but I'm inching towards 100%. I'm starting to feel a lot more natural on my runs, more like my old self, with less hesitation and more even weight distribution and stride (I realized that running on my injured left leg for so long taught me to be very dependent on my right leg, in a bad way!).

My next major race is the Crescent City Classic, and I think that's my goal race this year. It's the end of April, so it will probably be hot out, but I want to focus on a shorter distance since I now realize just how little base I have. It'll take me at least a year to feel like I can tackle a marathon again, and I won't be ready to PR in the half marathon for probably just as long. When you get out of shape, you have to take your time to build it up!
Therefore, 10k it is!
Now I just need to locate a training plan. I have plenty of time, so suggestions are welcome.


  1. It's awesome that you are feeling so good and "normal." And I love 10ks--so few and far between any more. Enjoy the training!

  2. I love social runs like your Saturday run was. It breaks up the run and you get to catch up with friends. The only thing that could make it better would be free coffee at the end.

  3. This is the most logical running post of yours I think I've ever read. Some of the fashion stuff might have been brilliant too ... but who knows. I really think you're taking a smart, well reasoned approach to your post injury activity by focusing on an intense shorter race, as opposed to the stress of longer distance training, which should be better for building strength. I'm a little disappointed with Wednesday, but good post other than that.

  4. Have you read Brad Hudson's book Run Faster? There's a section about coaching yourself and how to design your own training plans. It's a GREAT read, even one I'd recommend purchasing (and I rarely buy books). He does give plans for most distances, but the most valuable part is how to design your own. One year I want to come do Crescent City Classic; I've heard good things about it. If you want to do Azalea as a tune-up, you are welcome to stay in my guest room.

    1. Aw, you're so sweet! Thanks for the offer! I do have Hansen's book. Or I did, I think I sold it on I used one of his plans and it was a disaster. That's how I got injured in the first place. i obviously didn't grasp the part where you are supposed to react and respond to your own training and I totally overtrained and fracture my femur. Maybe I should give the design-your-own section a try - I don't even think I read that part.

  5. Um yea Jim nails it again with a comment - this might be your best post ever. Did someone take over your blog? lol. Keep it up, and you will be on to PRing in the marathon next year.
