
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sudden changes

This summer has been overwhelming: busy, stressful, not particularly productive or relaxing. A big stress-contributor was my husband's job, or rather impending lack of job. Due to federal budget cuts, we assumed his position (a term position) would not be renewed in December, and a month ago this was verified.

In the space of a month, David started a job search, found one that matched his skills, interviewed, got a second interview, got the job, gave notice at the Army Corps, and today he starts his new job.

This is bittersweet. I know David's not excited to leave the Corps. He loved his job there, but knew he had to leave eventually given the temporary nature of his project. But that was kind of his dream job: interesting work, helpful coworkers, less than a mile from the house, flexible scheduling. Today he took a car, not a bike, for the 20 minute drive to work and I know he's already missing the short commute. Yet we're incredibly grateful that he was able to find a new position so quickly, and one that is in his field of interest.

I wish I could be a better, more supportive wife during this time, but my own work has had so many extracurricular events and activities that I've barely been home, and am stretched thin myself. I'm just praying that David quickly grows excited with the new work and finds coworkers he likes.

On the plus side, biking to work meant leaving in an undershirt and changing when he got there - but today I got to see David in a suit, which of course is adorable! Silver lining!


  1. Change is hard, especially when it doesn't come by choice. I hope it turns into something he enjoys.

  2. Aw, that is a bummer that he had to seek out a new opportunity. I am glad he was able to secure a new position, but I know (unwanted) change is very hard to deal with. I hope life slows down for you soon but I am sure that David understands you are doing all you can to support him.

  3. We were there not long ago...and I agree with Zippy...change is hard ..I hope this one will end up being a good one for the both of you

  4. I'm sorry your husband had to change from a job and situation he really liked. Glad he found a new one so quickly and hopefully he'll find great satisfaction and enjoyment there too. It's hard when life is so crazy that all we can do is roll with it instead of being as supportive as we'd like to be.

  5. Here's hoping he finds as much contentment at his new job :)
