
Monday, July 1, 2013

Running is easy

When you wake up to an unexpected morning in the 70's! Rain in Mississippi brought temperatures down 15 to 10 degrees over the weekend, and Saturday's run was effortless. I did 10 miles, and since we were staying in Bay St. Louis I included the Bay Bridge and South Beach Road to get some "hills" in.
Since I missed Spring running thanks to injury, I haven't run in decent weather in months (since April), so I was curious to see what easy pace translated to when I wasn't running in 90 degree weather. I'd say it was about 7:20's. I ran a faster average than that Saturday but that is because I picked up the pace for the last mile and a half. Before then, 7:20 felt just right. In the heat, I've been running closer to 7:50 for a ten mile run.
I also ran in these new shorts, the Saucony Performance short. I liked naturally it's a discontinued item. I bought mine at, but when I went back to the site, the price had increased. I bought the shorts for $10.50, which is a steal for running shorts, but now they're $15. If you plan on buying a pair, I sized down to remove a little of the frumpy mom-jeans look.

How has your summer running been? Have you gotten any lucky cooler mornings to give yourself a break?


  1. So weird that we basically live in the same region, but can have such varying weather. Saturday and Sunday were the most miserable mornings of summer so far. It was over 80 when we started at 5, with Lawd-Knows-What humidity percentage. However, THIS morning was amazing. I enjoyed low 70s for my track workout...AHHHH!

    I know it's a little early, but are you doing the half in Mandeville in Oct?

    1. Probably not. It's on a Sunday and I would have to miss church; plus I know from experience that it's really tough to get out of the lot after the race. Traffic is stopped as the exit is the race course. That turns me off.

  2. I don't think you've missed a beat! We had a fairly cool June for around here, but now I think the humidity and 70-plus degree dawns are here to stay until Sept. Still better than winter!

  3. Pretty much everything I like gets discontinued. Cool temps sound great. It's been hot here.

  4. It's been on & off up in Cle... some days 90's some days 70's. Humidity is the worst part here though...usually above 90%. But training through that makes for fast fall times :) so I don't mind too much. Rather that then snow and sub 10 degrees that's for sure.

    1. True! Meant to tell you the other day, BTW, that I got an entry to LA marathon by offering to trade volunteering for an entry next year. They took me up on it!

  5. We've had the typical humidity this year, but the temps have been quite a bit cooler. Slowing about 30 sec per mile in the extreme heat and extreme cold is to be expected. I think if you try to keep your normal pace in the hotter weather you'll kill yourself. Mom Jeans is my user name.

  6. That is great that you got some cooler running temps! I haven't ran a step in 11 weeks and seem to be a good 8+ week away from running. Actually at this point, I feel like I may never run again. :( But the fact that you are back to running does give me some hope.

  7. Lol....we had a few days in the 70s & 80s, but now we're back to 50s & drizzle....

  8. Summer running.....lets see it has been humbling, slow, frustrating...but is HAS BEEN so there.s at least that

  9. haha frumpy mom jean shorts. they are cute though. guess 6pm caught on to ya. it's been a fairly "cool" summer here. i don't think it's hit 90* yet... probably because it rains EVERY DAY. what is this seattle? the other day it was 66! i was freezing! (not complaining...)
