
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tough enough to get over injury

Next month's Running Times features my hero Leo Manzano on the cover.

We all know he's tough enough.

But right now I'm trying to convince myself that I'm tough enough: to recover from this stress fracture! It's bad enough to be faced with a stress fracture diagnosis and know that you'll be out for several months. But it is way worse when you've already taken a ton of time off (or at a greatly reduced level) doing all the wrong things, like I did for five months. This small set back has become a huge detour in my running.
You know what, though? I think I can do this. It's just a few more months, and I can come back. See, when I initially thought this pain was muscular, and slowly returned to running after a couple of months rest as recommended, I returned to my previous level in about two months. I mean, I wish I was faster than a 41-minute 10k, but the truth is that that's a PR for me, so that's where I am. The day of injury last November I ran a 5-mile race in 33:30, a 6:42 pace. So my 6:36 pace at the Crescent City Classic actually shows improvement, and that on a stress fracture and only about 30 mpw!

My prediction is that my return is going to take longer this time around (I absolutely do not want to rush a fracture!) but I will still hit the same paces, and I'll be darned if I don't improve. And there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Last week I had to attend a conference and spent at least part of the day sitting at my table. Lo and behold, the pain at the sight of the fracture waned, then vanished. What do you know: resting the darn thing helps it heal. So if I can work out a way to stay off this thing, it might be 100% in just a few months!


  1. Leo is fantastic! His attitude and perseverance are so motivating. Hang in there through this fracture. I know it is awful having to be patient but it WILL heal stronger than it was before if you allow it too. Start loading up on healthy fats and Vitamin D to make sure your bones heal stronger than ever. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  2. I loved the article on Leo. He is one of my favorites. :) I am routing for you Gracie! You have so much natural speed, even with injury, that once you are healed I know you will be back stronger and faster than ever. Patience is a miserable thing to practice, but it will be so worth it when you are 100% and can run without pain. Hugs!

  3. You def don't want to rush it, but at the same time, you may not be as SOL as you think when you finally do come back. After my last stress fracture (exactly 2 years ago) I came back better and faster then ever. PR'd all my races in 2012 (5k, 10k, 10M, Half) and I'm not nearly as fast as you are! Hang in there and try not to let it get you down. If you need to vent, hit me up, I can definitely relate. :)

  4. You will most definitely come back stronger and faster! When I had my stress fracture two years ago (same time as Morgan's above) I was coming off a horrible base- much worse than yours. I know my spotty, rushed training lead to the stress fracture... I had been running throughout most of my pregnancy but for the last 5 months nothing more than 5 miles. I say all this to say that if I can come back and run faster in every distance event I KNOW you can. I just had to come back slow. Running 3-4 days a week was the norm the first 9 months. I slowly worked in 5 and just in the last 6 months feel good about 6+. Plus you have age on your side. You are younger than me so just think how many FAST PR years you have ahead of you!!

  5. Hang in there and keep up your great positive attitude! I'm positive you will come back stronger and faster than ever.

  6. Manzano is indeed the man. Who even expected him to qualify the Olympics in the 1500? And no one expected him to get the silver. What a big time event runner. Hopefully Centrowitz medals in 2016, I thought he was going to be the guy for the US to medal in the 1500 - though Manzano stole the show.

    I do think that once you are healthy you will come back stronger than before, and start running paces again like you did in early 2012 when you were doing 3:05 marathons. Unfortunately patience might have to be exercised.

  7. Sending you patience and strength to get through this. Injuries are so much tougher on the mental side than the physical side.

  8. The perspective of time is such a weird thing. Right now, a few months seems like an eternity - but a year from now when you're running faster and stronger than ever, you won't even remember it. But understandably, the slow healing process is miserable.

  9. Ay. It is going to be a wait, but if anyone has the determination to take this and make lemonade out of it, you do!

  10. Zippy has the right word
    It is not easy. I find that having 2 kids help in that department...:)
    You can do this. 100%.
    Pool running? I have done it twice so far...boy oh boy...that is not easy!!!

  11. You are tough enough! Just take it easy and get better!
