
Monday, March 11, 2013

This is exciting!

When I got this email from the NOTC (New Orleans Track Club):

I immediately texted my friend Celeste that we were now professional runners. Paying for a hotel? Free entry? Yeah, pretty sure that makes me an elite...despite the late email that makes this seem suspiciously like I'm second string. Hey, that's ok, I'll take your leftovers!

I accepted, but Celeste can't make it: this means I'm going on a weekend trip with a bunch of people I don't know and sharing a hotel room with a bunch of them. What an adventure!
Of course, the timing of this race is bad: it's a week before the Crescent City Classic 10k, so I'll be just undertrained, which is a legit fear for me since I'm just coming slowly off injury.

When I first got the email I was worried, since I've never run on trails before, but then I clicked over to the website and it's a road race. It's just has "trail" in the name. They shouldn't do that. Some of us are easily confused. It's actually some kind of super fast course with a real live elite field (darn, I thought that was me) and a pretty nice after-party (with massages!). I'm excited to run it but nervous that I will be slow and let the NOTC down!


  1. I'm sure you'll do them proud! Sounds like a great gig and lots of fun.

    My marathon this weekend is called the B & A trail marathon, but it's just a paved rail trail, so same deal.

  2. Very cool Gracie! Sounds like tons of fun and I am sure you will do a great job. Enjoy it! :)

  3. I've heard this is a great race. I think my old teammate/friend Sean F. runs this race w/ NOTC. So, if you meet a crazy guy w/ curly hair that runs fast on the trip, you should have a fun/interesting time with the group! Have fun.

  4. I went to college in Mobile, and just wanted to clarify the whole "trail" thing:
    (From Chamber of Congress)

    "What is the Azalea Trail?
    Mobile’s Azalea Trail began in 1929 as a way of bringing tourists to the city. Mobilians were encouraged to plant azaleas, and soon the city was known throughout the world for its mass of pink blooms each spring. Walter D. Bellingrath opened his elaborate private garden to the public in 1932. The two attractions made Mobile the Azalea City, and by 1940 approximately 100,000 visitors came each spring to see the blooms."

    If I recall, there are clubs, organizations and a lot of events centered around the Azalea Trail... even a whole host of young women clamoring to dress up like Southern Belles :)

    It sounds fun! Hmmmm... Maybe I'll visit my Grandma (in Mobile) next March!

  5. that sounds fuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!!!

  6. When Nike starts sending you free clothes... Remember me! :)

  7. That is really awesome - I already knew you were an elite, but this just confirms it! Enjoy the race!

    Yea, your comment it best about my race - I was shocked and stoked about running that fast after a month off, but still wary about the status of my left knee. I'll find out more when I get a MRI after tax season ends on 4/15. And yea, I might be an example that tapering does indeed work - you may feel like you are losing some fitness, but in the end your body is simply repairing itself and storing energy. Though a month is too long lol - I could see a 3 week taper being about right for a marathon, then on raceday you are ready to jump out of your shoes with energy.

  8. Oh, and about the white finish line tshirts - I could see NOLA giving out a lot of black shirts due to the Saints color scheme being black and silver, but yea I never run in black shirts. Luckily I only have 1 black technical shirt. My favorite are any color besides white - I've started to like yellow a lot lol.

  9. Wow, a free race and free hotel room? Sweet! I hope you meet some nice people, but I am sure you will as us runners are an awesome group of people!
