
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Your grandma

I've become your grandma.
I just sit around and do needlecraft all day.
Since getting the flu, I've had a chance to finally finish a cross stitch sampler I've been working on for 9 months (I only work on it while on plane flights, and that wasn't getting it done, so I finished the pesky border while sick).

And I made a little sweater for a certain brand new family member - I got a new nephew this weekend but I can't go meet him because I'm a germ-face (this makes three nephews age three and under - God bless their mom).
The blue stripe = boy, right?

Of course I haven't been running anyway, but with the flu I've been downright sedentary. I got the sickness on Wednesday, and luckily I had a pharmacist covering my store on Thursday so I could go to an all-day meeting. The meeting was canceled due to weather, and I got to stay home sick! But it was back to work on Friday - sick as a dog. I didn't feel like I could exercise until Saturday, when I did a very light, very short yoga download class. This was a gigantic mistake. I mean, the flu will really knock you down. Just a few minutes of activity had me back in bed. And I am still so weak!
But I did go to the gym yesterday and did easy elliptical just to get some blood flowing. It went ok, so I will head back today for bike or elliptical. And yes, I'm cleaning my germies off the machines :)

Hopefully all this forced rest will heal my hamstring fast! Already there is no bruising in the area, so that's a good sign. Next time I post I'll probably have a quilt to show you, haha.


  1. My grandma just created three afghans in the time it took you to write this post. You need to step it up...and get better.

  2. Take it easy! I hope you are back to 100% soon!

    I used to cross stitch all the time when I was in HS/college. I made precious moments cross stitch patterns. Talk about being a grandma. ;) Now my grandma hobby is knitting and I love it!

  3. Rest, rest, rest!! Hope you feel better soon.

  4. This is so awesome because I really am a grandfather, and today I was shouting at some kids to get off my lawn. Nice work gram's!

  5. I have my old ways too. In PJ's by 8pm on a Friday, yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off my lawn, but no knitting or needlework. I crosstitched briefly as a kid. Nothing big, obviously. Hope the funk clears up soon if it hasn't already and here's to functioning lower-bodies for both of us already!
