
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Paris: The Louvre

  The Louvre is the most value for your money in Paris. It's just 11 Euros, and you are surrounded by the best artwork in the world. David and I went on Monday (which is supposed to be the most crowded day) and had no lines at all. We showed up shortly after opening and entered through the mall entrance on Rue Rivoli.

You can do the entire museum in a day, you just have to pick and choose where to spend the most time. I was the tour guide, and we immediately made a beeline for the Denon wing, housing some of my favorite artists. We spent the entire morning there, broke for lunch, and spent less time in the remaining two wings.

If you eat in the Louvre, the little cafe is not bad food at all, and is faster and more affordable than the restaurant.

My take-home tip for the Louvre: Enjoy the architecture of the building as much as the art. The Louvre itself is one of the exhibits.

One of my favorites by El Greco - and much better in person; photography tends to make the contrasts look lurid.

There were only a dozen or so people in front of some of the most famous works, probably because we were in an off-season.


  1. The last time I was at the Louvre my son puked all over :( Not an infant son...a middle schooler. That said, the Louvre is AWESOME. There used to be a free day/time to visit, too, making it an even better value!

  2. Finally catching up via some lunchtime creeping. I'm so jealous!!!

  3. I was honestly so overwhelmed at the Louvre that we didn't end up spending nearly as much time there as I thought I would! Plus we saw that the sun had finally peaked out and decided to go enjoy a nice day after all the rain we had gotten thus far in our trip. Anyway, I'm glad someone else appreciated the architecture as much as I did. I'm sure a lot of people thought I was crazy laying on the floor taking pics of the ceiling but almost every room had amazing ceilings. My fav was the statues intended for the Chateau de Marly Jardins and the Winged Victory.
