
Monday, October 22, 2012

Runners to watch

Sometimes when I read a running blog, I notice talent that sticks out. I thought you might want to read about it, too, so...
Here are some talented runners you should keep an eye on!

1. Tia. She's pretty as a picture, has a big lovely family, and has crazy fast turnover. She was a collegiate athlete; now she's hitting new PRs and I expect to see a half under 1:25 from this lady in 2012 or 2013. She broke 19 in the 5k recently and I don't even want to speculate how low her 5k will go!
2. Katie. Obviously this speed demon will be well under 3 hours in the marathon this fall after a few tough marathons in the spring followed by multiple nonchalant wins at shorter distances. Lightening fast, very talented at all distances! It doesn't hurt that she's also a gorgeous, hilarious, down-to-earth writer with a wise shoe sense (she recommended to me my current favorite running shoes).
3. RoseRunner. I  can't act like I discovered this lady since she's one of those old-school, tough, fast chicks who have been beating me for years. But I am excited to watch her right now, because this is the year she comfortably breaks 3 hours in the marathon. She's injured right now, but she's just resting her smokin' body to come back faster and stronger. Plus she's fun to watch for her no-nonsense attitude and complete toughness.
4. Kyria. I started reading Kyria's blog years ago for her fresh photography. But she picked up running and improved incredibly quickly, qualifying for Boston in 2013 just a year after her first marathon. Watch out for this one - she's improving by leaps and bounds!
5. Kris. Here's another one that we ALL saw coming, but if you aren't reading Kris' blog, you might miss her running Olympic trials time in the marathon! And it isn't far off: she just ran a PR 2:50:50 at Twin Cities (Yes, that first number is a two!). Not many girls run that fast and very few do it while self-coaching.

Who's inspiring you lately?


  1. oooh fantastic! I'm about to check each one out, thanks!

  2. Great links here! There is another Katie that just ran a 3:11 marathon (10 minute PR) that is worth checking out too :)

  3. Hey thanks! I get so much inspiration from you and all the other runner bloggers! I especially am inspired by Terzah, who is GOING to BQ before her 40th birthday, and a local friend Sarah, who just ran the Grand to Grand, which is a 167 mile, 6 day race through the Grand Canyon. I am hoping to do something like that someday!

  4. I can add Megg from Mom vs marathon, who is a 2:48 marathoners, 17:26 5K and 1:19 HM runner, and only 27!!! And yes, Katie from Experimental RUnning. This girl will get a sub 3 soon!
    And then there is this girl Gracie who is coming back after an injury and has greast potential...yes, she is inspiring too!

  5. I agree on all these. It's so much fun to see them develop. Let me add in Stuftmama (Kristin) who is brand-new and yet knocking out some incredible numbers.

  6. Thanks for the shout out Gracie!! I am honored. :-) I am not familiar with all of these runners so I am definitely going to check them out. I'm so glad I discovered your blog from Amanda this past January.

  7. Wow, Thank you so very much!! You just made my day. :) I have to add another vote for a previous posters suggestion of Mom vs. the Marathon. She is a speed demon and always gives workout specifics which I appreciate for ideas and to awe over her paces. Here is her site:

  8. I read all those but Kyria. I'll have to check hers out, too!
    Another speedy blogger is Megan at She's been winning 1/2s, lately, and continues to improve!

  9. How about Rachelle at Running for Trevor? She has increased in speed so much since I started reading her blog and just ran a sub-3 marathon. She just needs to share some of her tips. :) And Erin at See Mom Run Far. Anyone who can train with 12 kids and have the improvement she has had deserves some credit!

  10. You are TOO nice! Thanks for the shoutout, lady! I can't wait to see your comeback after this crazy injury you are still dealing with! Excited to check out some of these other speedy blogs:)

  11. inspires me a lot...she so funny and humble about her running..yet her times are amazingly fast (even if she doesn't think so).

  12. I need this bit of encouragement :) I think you and I are in similar boats, and it's hard not to feel slow after taking a break (even though my break was much shorter than yours!).

    I always enjoy reading the blogs of speedsters, very inspiring. I'll add, she's probably going to drop below 3:00 in the marathon this year (but is also maybe battling an injury). Also lizzy from...crap I don't know what her blog name is anymore because she changed it.
