
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

NYC 2013?

Either I'm losing my mind, I'm terribly forgetful, or NYC marathon changed their tune.
I distinctly remember considering registering for the 2012 NYC marathon because I qualified to do so without the lottery, but I would not next year.
In case you don't know, you can run NYC marathon if you have a qualifying time in the full or half. If you don't, your name gets put in a lottery for acceptance. I read that the qualifying standards were going to drop for 2013 - and drop a lot. Women went from 3:23 to 2:59!
I really debated registering last January. Plenty of my friends were running it, and I knew it was my last chance to qualify unless I grew a third leg with a wheel on the end of it.

But I think NYC reconsidered. I just read this:
Well that sounds a little more reasonable. That I can do, and in fact I have the appropriate qualifying time in the window, too. So now I'm thinking about NYC 2013!
Is anyone running NYC this year? Or planning on it next year?


  1. Interesting! I have a couple of friends running this year for the exact reason that this would be the last year they could qualify. I'm guessing NYC realized their new standards were a bit insane. You'd think there'd be a happy medium, though, between both sets of numbers!

  2. Wow, I didn't realize the standards were set so much higher than Boston! That is a significant difference! You should sign up for sure!

  3. I am not running it and unless I grow wings, I will not be running it in 2013 either, lol. You should definitely go for it! :)

  4. Interesting. I knew there was talk about revising the standards, but I didn't realize they had done it yet!

  5. Until they let me ride my bike in the marathon or half I wouldn't have a prayer of qualifying. But you should go for it, for sure!

  6. That is exactly why I jumped on it and registered this year - because I was under the impression the times were changing. I need to get through this year first then decide if I will do it again - that is IF I fall under the new qualifying standards, fingers crossed!! NYC is one of those lifetime marathons, so I will be happy if this is the only time I run it. Scratch it off the bucket list. Who knows, maybe I'll be there in '13. Boston, however, is not on my radar at all.

  7. I am doing it this year and I was not surprised when I saw that they re-changed (is that even a word?) the qualifying standards again. I thought they were REALLY tough so it's nice to see that they are still challenging but not crazy- elite fast times.

  8. You should totally do NYC! Though just from reading about it, it sounds like a huge process to just get to the start line - take a train, take a bus, etc. But it sounds like an awesome experience.

  9. That is awesome that you have a time that qualifies for NYC! I would love to do it someday, but will have to do the lottery as there is no way I will ever have a qualifying time!!

  10. I will never be fast enough to qualify, but I am think 2013 is my year for guaranteed entry! I think you can do it!!

  11. That's crazy. 2:59 is quite a qualifying time. Glad they eased up a bit.
    Crazy how it's so much harder than Boston, no?!

  12. I ran in '09. Loved it more than Boston. Maybe I can requalify now that it's not completely impossible to do so!

  13. yay! qualifying times are now in the realm of possibility for me. thanks for posting!
