
Thursday, September 27, 2012

In which I buy ten items of clothing for $40

I think I alluded to a visit to Old Navy clearance a few weeks ago. I made my husband go clothes shopping while he was sick, because I am she-satan.
Then I made him go back. But it was worth it, because we got ten items of clothing for $40. The most expensive thing we bought was a pair of shorts for David that were $10 (exorbitant, I know).

What else did I buy?
Some cute T-shirts, like this green one paired with black skinny corduroys and black snakeskin flats for work.
Don't worry, I did my hair after I took this picture. 
And this plain navy top that I added a scarf to. I wore it with skinny jeans and shoes I got at K-mart for $4.99. I got them in coral, too. They're a little too chunky for my liking but so, so comfortable: the fabric straps are very soft and have a tough of stretch!

Chubby thighs courtesy of a summer of no running

I got brave and tried out the maxi skirt trend. Most maxis are too short for me, but I think with a skirt you can pull that off. I wore it with a light textured tank with a pretty blue print, one of my favorite purchases of the day.

My arches are hella high.
And sticking to the black and blue theme, I also wore my new shorts, a blue print, with a black T-shirt. This T-shirt is actually Kenneth Cole (via Goodwill obviously) but look, the Old Navy shirts look just as good.

This is the shorts pattern up close, since my hallway lighting is so poor you can't even see the print.

I also got some running shorts for $5.67, a steal, especially since they have a key pocket (I don't even buy shorts without a key pocket anymore) and David got two pairs of shorts. The only item I didn't like was a plum colored cardigan that looks a little too hippy and peasant-y for me.
Doing any between-seasons shopping? It's the best time for deals!


  1. I was already itching to go shopping. Your great finds were all the fuel I needed...
    Very cute choices. You have such a talent for putting your outfits together in a very flattering way.

    ps: some people would kill for your "chubby thighs" ;)

  2. You are a fantastic shopper, and I had the same thought that "chubby" to you and to me are two very different things! :)

    We have an Old Navy very near our house, and I've been thinking about hitting it because I hate all of my clothes. Instead, I keep signing up for races and spending my extra money that way. :)

  3. I'm one of those people who would really like longer, leaner legs but have learned to be happy with what I've got and make the best of it. So stop being so hard on yourself; even if I was at a much lower body fat % than I am now, my legs would still not be as thin as yours. Give yourself a break, and good job on finding cute bargains.

  4. Wow! Great buys! I can't even remember the last time I bought clothes that I wasn't planning on running in.

  5. Wow, that is awesome. And I can not even believe you are referring to your thighs as chubby.... So not the case!

  6. Hi fellow thrifty sister. Nice finds!! PS you still look thin as a stick, you must have foggy glasses haha.

  7. You are so stinking cute and I think most of us would kill to have your version of chubby thighs. So hush. :)

    Great job with the shopping!! Love that color green.

  8. Old navy has some deals I tells you what!

  9. I love that green shirt! And am jealous that you get to wear jeans to work!
