
Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm glad it wasn't used.

Yesterday I spent four hours at a local university giving flu vaccines to employees. Their insurance covers it  100%, so it's a great deal for both of us - the university gets flu protection at no added cost, and I get about 100 vaccines done.
All was going swimmingly until I breezily unwrapped a sterile syringe, except this syringe was defective. Instead of the needle being safely contained in the cap, it was bent outside the cap at a 30 - 45 degree angle. I was moving fast. The needle...

...went straight through my finger. I was just staring down at my finger with a 1-inch needle sticking out of it. I had to yank it out, get the bleeding to stop, bandage up, and continue with the flu shot I started! As far as I know, she never noticed I stuck myself.

Of course I'm extremely careful with needles while using them or once used, but unwrapping a sterile needle you just don't expect a stick!

Beat that for a bad day.


  1. Yeesh! That's nuts. At least your finger won't get the flu.

  2. Yikes! That's kind of creepy even if it was new!

  3. OUCH!!!!!!! Sorry Gracie.... that is awful!!!

  4. Holy crap. Ouch! That's a bad day...but impressive you could deal with it without the intended stick-ee even noticing.

  5. blech! I would've hopped around, holding my needle-stuck finger until someone noticed and gave me sufficient pity.
    You're obviously much more of a trooper...

  6. Ouch!! I am glad you handled it so well!! I don't know that I would have!

  7. OUCH!!! Yikes! Way to keep your cool!

  8. Holy crap. I can't believe you didn't let on to your patient that you just stabbed yourself. If it had been me, the blood-curdling scream followed by passing out in the floor would have given it away.
